Shivam Parikh Project 5

Depth and Refocusing

During this part of the project, I learned about how to manipulate the set of images and blur them based on the difference between the distance from center. Some of the results are displayed below.

-0.1 alpha value

-0.2 alpha value

0.1 alpha value

0.2 alpha value

-0.1 alpha value

0.1 alpha value

These are all different focus points of the amethyst image and chess image from the stanford dataset.

Instead of centering the images around the actual center, we select a radius of images around the center to mimic a wider or smaller aperture

During the work with light fields, I learned that it is possible to manipulate the additional information of having multiple cameras caputre an image from different points to mimic the effects of having a variable aperture or a variable point of focus. This helps because it can allow dynamic generation of content and post processing abilities not found in single shots.