CS 194-26 Image Manipulation and Computational Photography

Project 6: Stitching Photo Mosaics

Mher Mnatsakanyan (cs194-26-aac)

Part A

The goal of this part is to create an image mosaic by doing projective warping, resampling and composing the images together.

Image Rectification

In order to test that the homography and inverse warping work correctly, we will take a few sample images with planar surfaces and warp them to get a frontal-parallel plane. The first example is a picture of a Berkeley 150 poster. Here is the picture.

Berkeley 150 Poster

For the first set of points we have 4 corners of the poster and the mapping points are [0, 500], [0, 0], [500, 0], [500, 500]. Then we compute the homography matrix and perform the inverse warping on the image. We specify the output image size to be 500x500 that we would only get the poster on the image. Here is the result.

Rectifiied Berkeley 150 Poster

Another example is the seal near the Memorial Glade.

Cal Seal and the rectifiied image

Blend the images into a mosaic

For this part of the project we are going to stitch a few images into a mosaic. The idea is to define several corresponding points between the images. I used 3 images for this part and I had two sets of corresponding points for the first and second images, and the second and third images. The first set of points are for approximating the first homography matrix using the least squares. After calculating the homography we stitch the first two images together. Then we repeat the same logic and actions to stitch the third one on the already warped image. For combining the warped images, I used the element-wise maximum of the warp images, which gave better results than linear blending.

These are the 3 images from downtown berkeley Bart station.

Downtown Berkeley

The result after warping the first and last two images and stitching them together.

Downtown Berkeley Mosaic of 12 and 23

The final result looks like this.

Downtown Berkeley Mosaic

The black background behind the stitched image is because of padding. In order to get all the image pixels after warping I perform a padding before performing the inverse warping. Here is another images from the Memorial Glade.

The Memorial Glade

The final result.

Downtown Berkeley Mosaic

Part B

The goal of this part is to create a system for automatically stitching images into a mosaic.

Harris Interest Points

In order to find all the corner points in the image, we begin our process by finding Harris interest points. Here are example images:

Downtown Berkeley

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

In order to find all the corner points in the image, we begin our process by finding Harris interest points. Here are example images: After finding the necessary Harris interest points, we want to have a good spread of the interest points, as Harris points can be concentrated near the edges and corners. For this reason, we implement Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression and pick top 500 points from Harris corners. Here are some example images, where you can see a better distribution of the points.

Downtown Berkeley

Feature Descriptor and Feature Matching

Now we have a good distribution of interest points in both of our images and want to find the corresponding matches of those images. In part A, we did this manually, by selecting the points in both of the images. In this part, however, we implement Feature Descriptor extractor, which extracts 8x8 patches from 40x40 window of blurred descriptors and matches the corresponding patches together. For matching the features, we basically compute the distance between 64x1 size vectors and pick the closest one for each of the patches. This step gives us mapping of interest points. You can see image examples below.

Downtown Berkeley


As you can see in the first image above, there are some points on the left that should not have corresponding points in the right images, but unfortunately, the feature matcher finds correspondences for them as well. In order to get rid of those interest points, we implement RANSAC where we randomly pick 4 points, compute the homography and check whether the error of the other points falls below a certain threshold.

Downtown Berkeley


After finding the points, the rest is just the same as we did in part A. We find the closest homography and blend the images together. Here are some examples

Downtown Berkeley, Manual and Auto

Since we do not have rotation invariance of descriptors implemented the memorial glade example does not have good auto stitching results. You can see some other images below.

Hoover dam

Hoover dam lake