CS194-26 Project 6: Image Stitching

Hersh Sanghvi | cs194-26-add




In this project, we learn how, based on correspondences, we can solve for transformations between images. Similar to a previous project in which we solved for affine transformations between triangles, we now generalize that to homographies between entire images. This comes in handy when stitching images together for panoramas, where you know that the camera will only be rotating around the optical center of the image. Thus, based on this knowledge, you can solve for a 3x3 homography matrix that relates the two images based on the correspondences, using SVD.




This matrix has 8 degrees of freedom, since we specify that the last element, h22, must be 1.


Part A1: Image Rectification

By manually specifying points in a planar image taken at an angle, we can rectify it by applying a homography. Examples are shown below (some artifacts may appear due to downsampling):


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:image_unrect.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:image_rect.jpg



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:keyboard_unrect.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:keyboard_rect.jpg


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:circuit_unrect.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:circuit_rect.jpg


Notice how the rectification does not handle 3D aspects very well! For example, the speakers in the circuit become extremely stretched out, and on the keyboard, the keys appear to be much thicker than they actually are.


Part A2: Image Stitching

In this part, the task is to manually specify correspondences between two images that are taken from the same optical center, but with the camera rotated around the center, use those correspondences to calculate a homography that will then warp one of the images into the plane of the other image, and then stitch the two. This was quite challenging, as there are generally artifacts due to the fact that the images are not perfect rotations, and the stitching can be finicky due to lighting changes or translational motion. I found that using 8-10 correspondences worked well enough. Although you only need 4 at minimum, providing more helps to more robustly estimate the matrix. For the blending, I used a nonlinear blend in the overlap region. I basically took the 2-norm distance between the points in the overlap and the edges of the overlap region as the alpha factor for my mask. I found this worked well since it took into account both x and y into the masking, and thus produced natural looking results.


Here are some examples:

Original images:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im7.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im8.jpg


Left image warped into the plane of the right image:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im8.jpg_warp.jpg



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im7._im8..jpg


There is a slight discrepancy at the border, due to a small vertical displacement between the frames (this shows up especially in the handrail).


Original Images:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im5.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im6.jpg


Left image warped into right plane:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im6.jpg_warp.jpg



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im5._im6..jpg


There is no stitch artifact here, but the plants are blurry because of both wind and because small translations produce disproportionate effects at close range. This is why having a stationary environment is important during taking a panorama. Also notice how certain people appear transparently in the walkway. This is because they moved between frames! Looks pretty cool.


Original Images:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im9.jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im10.jpg


Left warped:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:im10_warp.jpg



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im9_im10..jpg



Using Automatic Feature Detection and Matching


Using the Harris Corner Detector


In this part of the project, we use a Harris Corner detector, which is a rotation and shift invariant feature selector, to find correspondences between images. If we search for corners in the Campanile image, we get: Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:im6_harris.png



Using ANMS to Pick Best Corners, and Extracting Patches

As we can see from in the previous image, there are many detected ÒcornersÓ which are actually insignificant for the image. We would like to pick the most salient features, for which we use ANMS, which is basically picking features which are local maxima in terms of the Harris measure of corner strength. Here are the results:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:im6_anms.png

As you can see, many corners have been suppressed, as we select only the locally strongest corners. After doing this, we then extract 8x8 grayscale patches from the regions around each corner that serve as feature descriptors. We can then use these feature descriptors to compute the correspondences between corners between different images.

Picking Correspondences Between Images

In this part, we compute the correspondences between the images. In particular, we pick two points as corresponding to each other only if the ratio between the strength of the closest match and strength of the second closest match is above a certain threshold. The idea is that if you are uncertain about the match, then maybe you should not be using it as a correspondence in the first place. This works pretty well; check out the correspondences after running this algorithm:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:correspondences.png


Using RANSAC to Compute Homography to Mosaic


Although the correspondence matching from above is good, it is possible that there are still some bad correspondences produced from the algorithm. Thus, to ensure that large outliers do not affect the algorithm, we randomly sample points to use for computing the homography, and, in the end, pick the homography which ÒagreesÓ with the most number of correspondences. Here are the results for the same images above:

Left: By hand, Right: Automatic

Description: Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im7._im8..jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:im_mosaic1.jpg



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im5._im6..jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:im_mosaic5_cropped.png




Description: Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6:stich_im9_im10..jpgDescription: Macintosh HD:Users:Hersh:Programming:cs194-26:proj6-2:im_mosaic3.jpg



I learned a lot during this project! It was interesting to see how theoretically simple homography matrices are, but the gory details required when inverse warping images. In addition, I learned a lot about the potential pitfalls that could occur when implementing RANSAC and other automatic algorithms.