Project 6A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Louise Feng, cs194-26-afj


we 'rectify' an image by making it front-facing. This can be done by recovering the homography between the images by focusing on correspondence points. In my case, I picked out parts of my source images I kew were supposed to be squares and mapped them to 4 points forming a square.


Given 2 pictures, we can use correspondence points to recover a homography which can then be used to warp an image into the same perspective as the other


The power of homographies is so interesting. I never would have thought to re-angle any picture, or that I even had the capability of doing so. The fact that we can accomplish this by playing around a bit with some linear algebra is pretty awesome.

Project 6B: Feature Mapping and Autostitching

Detecting Corner Features

For each of the 2 input images, we use the Harris Interest Point Detector to find points that we can use as correspondence points later to construct a homography (we'll get rid of many of them before that). Clearly, as is, There are A LOT of interest points.

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

To avoid the expensive cost of computing a homography using all of the interest points seen above, we use ANMS. using the Harris points we found, we loop at every point and compare with other points to find the min distance to a neighbor of comparable intensity. We pick points by these distances, such that the chosen points are the one with the largest suppression radius as specified by the equation at the end of page 2 in the “Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches” by Brown et al paper. The points are now limited at 500, and more evenly spaced.

Feature Matching

We create feature descriptors from each point that came out of ANMS. each descriptor is an 8x8 grid sampled every 5 points across the 40x40 neighborhood of the point. We bias/gain-normalize the descriptors by subtracting the mean, then dividing by the standard deviation. We match the features by using the distance between each of the features. Each is matched with their nearest neighbor, and is only selected if the ratios of nearest neighbor to second nearest neighbor is below a threshold (I used 0.6).


We use RANSAC, or random sample concensus, to find the best homography matrix. Over a given number of tries (500), we use 4 of the matches we have and calculate a homography. We score it by the error between the points transformed with the homography and the actual corresponding points in the other image. This helps us differentiate between inliear and outliers - we want to maximize the number of inliers (must be within a threshold distance from the actual point). We keep the result of the best iteration. Now that we have a homography matrix, we can continue on as in part A of this project and warp and blend the 2 images.

What I Learned

One of the harder parts of the project was just being able to read through the paper and process the information in it - definitely a newer skill to me. I also realized how simple but effective RANSAC is, that feature matching isn't necessarily as easy as it sounds, and that choosing smart features is super important.