CS194-26 Project 6A

CS194-26 Project 6A - Mosaics & Homographies

by Max McArthur

There were five major parts to this project:

The results were fairly good -- some points tended to be a little off and it seemed that the points to be used in homography seemed to always be in a small area which didn't ensure consistency throughout the whole image. I am, however, satisfied with the results:
Left Image Right Image Panorama/Mosaic Part 1 Mosaic (if available)
A lot of the hard work in this project for me involved data structure management; it wasn't technically that difficult to manage, but there was a lot of difficulty in remembering exactly what each data structure represented (for example, the given code would return points in 'y/x' terms but the mosaic code I produced for the last part was based in 'x/y'). I did, however, find it fascinating that such technically simple code could yield such quality results; the RANSAC algorithm was such a brute-force attempt but it returns very effective results.

I did, however, have some issues with specific images. I'm still not quite sure why, but it seemed that when I would use images that worked fairly well for part 1, it would not find enough quality correspondence points to complete a mosaic.