CS 194-26 Final Project: Fake Miniatures and Vertigo

Raymond Chu - cs194-26-aak

Fake Miniatures

To achieve the Fake Miniature effect of tilt shifting, we first defined our depth of field by selecting points. Then we successively blend the parts of the image further away from the focus point (this is easier with stacks and a blended mask). Then we up the saturation to give the image more of a toy-ish quality.

Images From the Internet

San Francisco
Hong Kong

Personal Photos

Vertigo Shot

To achieve the Vertigo shot, I took pictures close up with no zoom and further away with some zoom to keep the object centered to achieve the vertigo effect. The iPhoneX camera was sufficient for this operation. One of the more difficult things was to ensure equal lighting in all of the pictures and keeping the pictures stable (which could be achieved with an actual dolly or further post processing).


