CS 194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography


Clarence Lam and Florin Langer, Fall 2018


In this project, we aim to recreate the dolly zoom effect pioneered in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo (1958). Instead of doing so with a video camera, we use a still camera. Instead of using a proper dolly, we use a skateboard and a tripod. However, the tripod cannot be used very effectively this way as the skateboard deck is not wide enough to support all three legs, and you therefore see that the camera tilt changes somewhat between shots. We actually figured out a way to make it more consistent later on, but our subjects were too busy to pose again. Our technique involes taking a couple steps toward the subject with two of the tripod legs on the skateboard (and the third extended to touch the ground) and zooming out a semi-constant amount. The effect is not as pronounced as could be since our lens' focal length spans only 18 to 55 millimeters. We experiment with variable increments of moving the camera in some so the zoom starts slow but speeds up as we near the subject. We also try to change the angle of the camera as we near the subject in some.

Results [Number of Shots]
7 via GIPHY
8 via GIPHY
9 via GIPHY
19 via GIPHY