Ajay Ramesh, December 7, 2018

The Vertigo Shot


For this project we are tasked with replicating a dolly zoom. The dolly zoom involves moving the camera away from or towards an object and using the zoom to keep the object the same size amongst all the frames. Since zooming in reduces the field of view, this creates an effect of the background "closing in on" the foreground. Filmakers use this effect to create tention in a scene. For this project, I used an iPhone 6S camera because I do not own a camera with a zoom lens. Of course, there is limited optical zoom capability in this phone, so most of the zoom comes from digital zoom. However, since the image resolution is high, the end result still looks quite good.

First Vertigo Shot

Second Vertigo Shot

Vertigo Shot using a Video


I chose locations that had a fair amount of interesting background. You can imagine that if the background was plain, there would be no apparent effect of the vertigo shot. So, I went to the library to take some photos. The first vertigo shot with the highlighter is taken in 1st floor moffit. The second vertigo shot is taken in Main Stacks. I like the second one a lot because the bookshelves already provide some perspective for the scene. The most difficult part of the project was keeping the camera still. Shakiness is very apparent in stop motion style videos, reducing its quality. I noticed that we can "smooth" out shakiness by taking more photos at smaller displacements. Another difficult part of the project was ensuring that the object we are focusing on remains the same size among subsequent captures. I tried using the guidelines in the Camera app but they weren't enough to determine the correct zoom level.

B&W FOV Calcualations

We are asked to compute the field of view of the camera at minimum and maximum zoom using the width of the subject and the distance from the camera. In order to do this, I first related FOV to focal length and then used similar triangles to express FOV in terms of the image dimensions in pixels, the object width, the distance from the object to camera, and the width of the object in pixels.

You may view my derviation here.

I used my iPhone 6S camera to capture the images of the yellow highlighter shown above. Therefore, these measurements are based on digital zoom and are not representative of the actual focal length of the camera changing. Also note that if the vertigo shot was executed perfectly, the marker width in pixels shouldn't change. Unfortunately, this is hard to control by hand. However, I trust that my derivation above is correct and we can use it to approximate some ballpark values.

The set up of this experiment involved moving the phone along a ruler in 1cm increments. Here's some data

Marker width: 2cm
Image Size: 3024x4032

Closest distance: 23cm
Marker width: 274px

Furthest distance: 30cm
Marker width: 312px

Minimum zoom FOV: 2*arctan((3024 * 2) / (2 * 23 * 274)) * 180 / pi = 51.2678235 deg
Maximum zoom FOV: 2*arctan((3024 * 2) / (2 * 30 * 312)) * 180 / pi = 35.808895 deg

It makes sense that the field of view decreases as zoom increases. I looked up the actual FOV of the iPhone 6S camera which works out to be 63.4 deg. Even with very coarse measurements, I was able to get a ballpark estimate of the field of view with ~51 deg.

Fake Miniatures


When a camera focuses on a tiny object the depth of field is very narrow, causing a heavy bokeh effect around the object in question. Our eyes and brain seem to be accustomed to this fact so it's very easy to trick them into thinking that any object is a miniature just by playing around with the perceived depth of field. In order to create this optical illusion, a user defines a horizontal or vertical "focus line". We make the (big) assumption that all the objects on the focus line are at the same depth. Then, we increasingly blur the region of the image around the focus region. Features in the focus region are not blurred but features furthest away from the focus region are maximally blurred. I also increase the saturation to make the image seem more like a toy or a model.


Here's a visualization of the row weights and column weights for a horizontal and vertical focus line respectively. Notice how they feather out towards the focus region, which creates a smooth blurring effect when the Gaussian filter is actually applied.


Village (Horizontal)

I used Tiltshift Maker's sample image to compare my algorithm against theirs.

Boathouse Row (Horizontal)


Burj Khalifa (Vertical)


San Fransisco Aerial (Horizontal)


Crissy Field (Horizontal)

Source: My own image

Haviland Hall (Horizontal)

Source: My own image

Doe Library (Vertical)

Source: My own image

B&W Irregular Masks

You may have noticed that some images above don't work too well with just a rectangle focus region. Instead, they may benefit from having a focus region that has roughly the same shape as the object we are focusing on. In order to do this, I have the user select some points around the region of the image they want in focus. We can create a polygon mask using these points. My previous approach of finding the distance to the nearest focus region border would be too slow for irregular masks since we cannot consider only rows or only columns. Therefore, I simply grew the mask to create defocus blur further and further away from the focus region. Here's an animation of the algorithm in action.


Each result is displayed in the order of original, mask, miniature. All images are my own.


In this project I learned about what why images of toys and miniatures look the way they do, and how we can simulate them with a simple algorithm. I also learned about how to manipulate images in HSV color space, which I hadn't done before.