CS 194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography

Final Project

Kijung Kim, CS194-26-agm

Seam Carving

The purpose of Seam Carving is to find "seams" in our images and remove them to resize the original image. These seams are calculated by getting the energy of each pixel in the image and then using dynamic programming to see which path (from top to bottom) will yield the least energy path. Then, this path is backtraced and removed to create a resized image. This process occurs as many times to produce a much narrower image from the original image. Here are the successful examples. The format of the examples is: original on the left, seam removed on the right.

Successful examples

vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed
horizontal seams removed
horizontal seams removed

Unsuccessful Examples

These examples were somewhat unevenetful.

vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed


For the first picture, Seam Carving has a lot of trouble since there are straight lines stretching from left to right everywhere, and getting rid of these seams will make these lines discontinuous and look like it's been aliased. For the second picture, all seam carving did was get rid of the sky portions above and was just the same as cropping. Not only that, but also the mountain on the left has been deformed and no longer looks the same as the original.

Fake Miniatures

Fake Minatures were kinda cool. First, we define a point to get a focus line, which is where the object you want to "minify" is in. Then, we get a rectangular box and continuously apply gaussian filters on space outside the rectangular box. The further a point is from the box, the more it will be blurred. Then, after this process, we get a nice minification!

vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed
vertical seams removed

What I've Learned!

I learned how to seam carve pictures to resize them and to make fake miniatures of objects of interest. This was a very fun final project. I thank the course staff for teaching the material very well and for being very active on piazza.


Here are the credits for the pictures:

#im1: https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/919497/climate-change-global-warming-rising-sea-levels-coastal-cities

#im2: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44113494

#im3: https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/backgrounds

#im4: http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/travel/uk/the-20-best-views-in-the-uk-revealed-11364172147248

#im5: https://unsplash.com/photos/Sjo3I2pRfTA (it says it doesn't exist anymore, but it shows up on google if you type "view portrait")

#im6: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/46724914858969800/

#im7: somewhere on google search

#im8: somewhere on google search

im9 and im10 were my pictures.

#failedim1: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/101237-abstract-background-11

#failedim2: https://www.marklillyphotography.com/fine-art-collections/landscape/yosemite-national-park/