Images of the Russian Empire

Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii photo collection

In this project, we develop an automated alignment algorithm using image pyramids to align the three color channels of images in the Library of Congress's Prokudin-Gorskii photo collection. Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii was the first color photographer, and used an invention of his own genious design to snap three simultanous photographs, each of which used different color filters. When combined, these three apparently monochrome photographs produce stunning images of the world in color.

Image Pyramid

The challenge, however, lies in aligning the three photos, each of which would have been taken at a slightly different angle. Prokudin-Gorskii did so by hand, but today we can produce better results using automated image alignment algorithms. In this lab, we will demonstrate one such algorithm: the image pyramid.

1. Warming up

The Prokudin-Gorskii photo collection represents the first color photography

Import libraries

In [27]:
%pylab inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import skimage as sk
import as skio

from plotting import *
from align import *
from utils import *
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

Read in the Bukhara Emir and plot the three channels

In [12]:
emir = sk.img_as_float(read_pg_img('data/emir.tif'))
(3209, 3702, 3)
In [13]:

Combine the three channels without alignment

In [29]:

2. Single-scale alignment

In [47]:
im = sk.img_as_float(read_pg_img('data/monastery.jpg'))
(341, 391, 3)
In [58]:

2.1 Manually adjust the red channel and compare with the unaligned version:

In [62]:
r_translated = translate_img(im[:,:,0], translation=(0,-10))
im_align = np.dstack([r_translated, im[:,:,1:]])

ssd_realign = ssd_loss(r_translated, im[:,:,1])
ncc_realign = 1 - ncc_loss(r_translated, im[:,:,1])

ssd_orig = ssd_loss(im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1])
ncc_orig = 1 - ncc_loss(im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1])

    im, im_align,
    title1 = f'Before: SSD={ssd_orig:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_orig:0.3f}',
    title2 = f'After: SSD={ssd_realign:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_realign:0.3f}'

2.2 Use an automated alignment procedure to do the same

Using SSD as loss:

In [75]:
r_align = align_by_grid_search(im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1])
im_align = np.dstack([r_align, im[:,:,1:]])

ssd_realign = ssd_loss(r_align, im[:,:,1])
ncc_realign = 1 - 2*ncc_loss(r_align, im[:,:,1])

    im, im_align,
    title1 = f'Before: SSD={ssd_orig:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_orig:0.3f}',
    title2 = f'After: SSD={ssd_realign:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_realign:0.3f}'
ssd_loss: 3429.648

Using NCC in loss:

In [74]:
r_align_ncc = align_by_grid_search(im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1], loss_fn=ncc_loss)
im_align_ncc = np.dstack([r_align_ncc, im[:,:,1:]])

ssd_realign2 = ssd_loss(r_align_ncc, im[:,:,1])
ncc_realign2 = 1 - 2*ncc_loss(r_align_ncc, im[:,:,1])

    im, im_align_ncc,
    title1 = f'Before: SSD={ssd_orig:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_orig:0.3f}',
    title2 = f'After: SSD={ssd_realign:0.3f}, NCC={ncc_realign2:0.3f}'
ncc_loss: 0.096

2.3 Align all three channels

In [102]:
im_align = align_img(im, ref=1)
ssd_loss: 3429.648
ssd_loss: 4502.267
CPU times: user 6.71 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 6.71 s
Wall time: 6.71 s
In [103]:
plot_comparison(im, im_align)

Try a larger alignment grid

In [104]:
im_align = align_img(im, ref=1, window=(-30,30))
ssd_loss: 3429.648
ssd_loss: 4502.267
CPU times: user 6.64 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 6.64 s
Wall time: 6.64 s
In [105]:
plot_comparison(im, im_align)

2.4 Crop edges

Uniform cropping

In [108]:
im_align = align_img(crop_img_edges(im, pixels=(20,20,20,20)), ref=1)
plot_comparison(im, im_align)
ssd_loss: 3093.035
ssd_loss: 2125.403

3. Image Pyramid

3.1 Try the image pyramid on emir.tif

In [14]:
emir_cropped = crop_img_edges(sk.img_as_float(emir), pixels=(200,200,200,200))
In [48]:
# TODO: try ncc_loss
emir_aligned = align_pyramid(emir_cropped, debug=True)
G realignment: [0 2]
B realignment: [0 2]
G realignment: [ 4 14]
B realignment: [0 4]
G realignment: [ 8 28]
B realignment: [0 8]
Final G channel offset: [16 56]
Final B channel offset: [ 0 18]
CPU times: user 30.2 s, sys: 7.26 s, total: 37.5 s
Wall time: 50.3 s

3.2 Try NCC loss

In [49]:
emir_ncc = align_pyramid(emir_cropped, loss_fn=ncc_loss)
Final G channel offset: [16 56]
Final B channel offset: [ 0 32]
CPU times: user 25 s, sys: 3.61 s, total: 28.6 s
Wall time: 28.6 s
In [24]:
plot_comparison(emir_ncc, emir_aligned, title1="Using SSD loss", title2="Using NCC loss")

To my eyes, the SSD and NCC losses produce nearly identical results.

4. Other images


In [50]:
castle = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/castle.tif')
castle_aligned = align_pyramid(castle)
plot_comparison(castle, castle_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 0 64]
Final B channel offset: [ 4 98]
CPU times: user 24.9 s, sys: 4.39 s, total: 29.3 s
Wall time: 29.4 s


In [51]:
harvesters = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/harvesters.tif')
harvesters_aligned = align_pyramid(harvesters)
plot_comparison(harvesters, harvesters_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [-2 64]
Final B channel offset: [0 0]
CPU times: user 25.2 s, sys: 5.34 s, total: 30.5 s
Wall time: 34.3 s


In [52]:
icon = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/icon.tif')
icon_aligned = align_pyramid(icon)
plot_comparison(icon, icon_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 6 48]
Final B channel offset: [22 88]
CPU times: user 25.7 s, sys: 4.47 s, total: 30.2 s
Wall time: 30.7 s


In [53]:
lady = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/lady.tif')
lady_aligned = align_pyramid(lady)
plot_comparison(lady, lady_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 4 60]
Final B channel offset: [  8 112]
CPU times: user 21.5 s, sys: 9.97 s, total: 31.5 s
Wall time: 31.5 s


In [54]:
melons = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/melons.tif')
melons_aligned = align_pyramid(melons)
plot_comparison(melons, melons_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 4 96]
Final B channel offset: [ 12 176]
CPU times: user 23.5 s, sys: 29 s, total: 52.5 s
Wall time: 52.5 s

Onion Church

In [55]:
onion_church = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/onion_church.tif')
onion_church_aligned = align_pyramid(onion_church)
plot_comparison(onion_church, onion_church_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [10 56]
Final B channel offset: [ 36 108]
CPU times: user 23.6 s, sys: 12 s, total: 35.6 s
Wall time: 35.6 s


In [56]:
self_portrait = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/self_portrait.tif')
self_portrait_aligned = align_pyramid(self_portrait)
plot_comparison(self_portrait, self_portrait_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 8 98]
Final B channel offset: [ 36 176]
CPU times: user 24.8 s, sys: 4.97 s, total: 29.8 s
Wall time: 29.8 s

Three generations

In [57]:
three_generations = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/three_generations.tif')
three_generations_aligned = align_pyramid(three_generations)
plot_comparison(three_generations, three_generations_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [-2 58]
Final B channel offset: [ 8 26]
CPU times: user 24.8 s, sys: 4.48 s, total: 29.3 s
Wall time: 29.4 s


In [58]:
train = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/train.tif')
train_aligned = align_pyramid(train)
plot_comparison(train, train_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [26 44]
Final B channel offset: [ 0 12]
CPU times: user 25.9 s, sys: 5.35 s, total: 31.2 s
Wall time: 31.9 s


In [59]:
workshop = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/workshop.tif')
workshop_aligned = align_pyramid(workshop)
plot_comparison(workshop, workshop_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [-12  52]
Final B channel offset: [-8  8]
CPU times: user 26.5 s, sys: 5.42 s, total: 31.9 s
Wall time: 37.7 s

Some images I chose

Stained glass

In [60]:
stained_glass = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/stained_glass.tif')
stained_glass_aligned = align_pyramid(stained_glass)
plot_comparison(stained_glass, stained_glass_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [ 4 38]
Final B channel offset: [16 60]
CPU times: user 23.7 s, sys: 4.26 s, total: 27.9 s
Wall time: 28 s

Cathedral roof

In [61]:
cathedral_roof = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/cathedral_roof.tif')
cathedral_roof_aligned = align_pyramid(cathedral_roof)
plot_comparison(cathedral_roof, cathedral_roof_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [10 68]
Final B channel offset: [24 84]
CPU times: user 26.7 s, sys: 5.11 s, total: 31.8 s
Wall time: 32.1 s


In [62]:
cliff = read_and_crop_pg_img('data/cliff.tif')
cliff_aligned = align_pyramid(cliff)
plot_comparison(cliff, cliff_aligned)
Final G channel offset: [  0 -14]
Final B channel offset: [0 0]
CPU times: user 26 s, sys: 5.94 s, total: 31.9 s
Wall time: 34.6 s
In [ ]: