Fun with Filters and Frequencies

Andrew Vo

UC Berkeley COMPSCI 194-26, Fall 2020

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The goal of this project is to show how image filters and frequencies can create a lot of cool image results such as image blurring, sharpening, and straightening. We will also see how these functions can be combined to create hybrid and blended images.

Part 1: Fun With Filters

Image filters can be thought of as functions that take in image as an input and return a new image as an output. One such filter is a Gaussian filter which takes in an input image and returns a blurred version of it.
Some functions we will be applying to our images in this project are gradients. Gradients tell us how much a part of an image in changing with respect to a direction. This can be calculated by taking the partial derivative of the image with respect to x (the horizontal direction) or y (the vertical direction). Let us apply this to an image shown below:
We can take the partial derivative in x and y of the image by convolving it with finite difference operators D_x = [1, -1] and D_y = [1, -1]^T respectively. The results are shown below:
X Gradient
Y Gradient
We can combine these gradients to get the gradient magnitude of the image, which we will use to find the edges of the image. To compute the gradient magnitude, we simply square the result of our x gradient and y gradient, add them together, and take the square root of the sum (magnitude = sqrt((dx^2) + (dy^2))). After taking the gradient magnitude, I binarized it by making all pixel values that were greater than a threshold of 0.12 one, and zero otherwise. This allows us to see the edges of the image more clearly while suppressing the noise. The gradient magnitude of the image is shown on the left and the edge image is shown on the right.
Gradient Magnitude
Binarized Gradient Magnitude

Part 1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

Notice that despite binarizing our gradient magnitude image, a lot of high frequency noise is still present in our edge image. This issue can be solved by running our image through a low-pass filter, which keeps the low frequencies of the image and attenuates the high frequencies (this also blurs the image). We can do this by convolving our image with a Gaussian filter and repeating the same process that was performed earlier. In my implementation, I used a 3 x 3 Gaussian filter with σ = 1.
X Gradient
Y Gradient
Gradient Magnitude
Binarized Gradient Magnitude
We can see that the biggest difference between the above edge image and our previous edge image is the high frequency noise from the grass and background were attenuated with the Gaussian filter. The edges of the man and the camera have become more defined.
Instead of convolving our image twice, we can make calculations more efficient by combining our finite difference operators with our Gaussian filter and get away with convolving our image only once. This is possible due to the associative property of convolutions. As expected, this gives us the same results as earlier. The combined filters and edge image are shown below:
X Gaussian Gradient
Y Gaussian Gradient
Binarized Gradient Magnitude

Part 1.3: Image Straightening

Sometimes when we take pictures, the pictures don't come out straight. Manually rotating the image to get the right position is too much work. Thankfully, we can use our knowledge of gradients to automate the image straightening process! In my implementation, I rotated an input image by various angles in a predefined range and chose the rotation that had the most number of horizontal and vertical lines. To account for sizing differences when rotating, I did not resize the image after rotation and cropped the center of the image to perform my calculations on. I counted the number of horizontal and vertical lines by computing the gradient angle of each pixel in the image with the formula: θ = atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / π. The results of my implementation on several images are shown below. For each image, the histogram next to it depicts the number of gradient angles the cropped image contains before and after straightening.
Before Straightening - Facade
After Straightening (Rotated -3°)
Before Straightening - Horizon
After Straightening (Rotated -2°)
Before Straightening - Campanile
After Straightening (Rotated -4°)
Before Straightening - Brooklyn Bridge
After Straightening (Rotated 5°)
As you can see, my implementation failed on the last image above. This is due to many of the edges of the Brooklyn Bridge image being non-perpendicular such as the wires connecting the bridge. By trying to straighten the image, my program instead attempted to minimize the number of non-perpendicular edges which results in the unstraightened image.

Part 2: Fun With Frequencies

In this part of the project, we will show how manipulating image frequencies can sharpen images and create hybrid/blended images!
Recall earlier that we used a Gaussian filter to keep the low frequencies of an image. To get the high frequencies of an image, we simply take our filtered image and subtract it from our original image. The high frequencies of an image tell us how "sharp" an image is. By scaling the high frequencies of an image, we can automate sharpening our own images! In my implementation, I first blurred an input image with a Gaussian filter of size 5 x 5 and σ = 2 then subtracted it from the original image to obtain the high frequency image. Next, I scaled the high frequency image by some alpha value (α) and then added that result back into our original image to obtain the sharpened image. This process can be seen in the images below:
Original Image (Taj Mahal)
Blurred Image
High Frequency Image (Grayscale for visibility)
Sharpened Image
Original Image (Golden Retriever)
Blurred Image
High Frequency Image (Grayscale for visibility)
Sharpened Image
Original Image (Tennis Ball)
Blurred Image
High Frequency Image (Grayscale for visibility)
Sharpened Image
Let's see what happens when we take an already sharp image, blur it, then sharpen it again. The result is shown below:
Original Sharp Image (Bird)
Blurred Image
Sharpened Image
As you can see, the final sharpened image is not the same as the original sharp image. This is because when blurring the input image with the Gaussian filter, we lost some of the high frequency components that were contained in the original image. Although we increased the intensity of the remaining high frequency components in our output, we still lose some high frequency information which is why the output image is not the same as the input image.
Similar to our gradient magnitude image, we can make our calculations more efficient by utilizing convolution properties. Currently, our sharpening calculations can be modeled by the following formula: image + α(image - image ∗ filter). This formula can be rewritten as (1 + α) * image - α * image ∗ filter = image ∗ ((1 + α) * e - α * filter), where e is the unit impulse.

Part 2.2: Hybrid Images (Bells & Whistles)

In addition to using frequencies to sharpen images, we can also use them to create hybrid images. In a hybrid image, a user sees a high frequency image at close viewing angles but sees a different low frequency image at farther viewing angles. Essentially, this allows two images to be encompassed into one. To create a hybrid image, I first aligned two input images at some chosen reference point. Next, I separated the color channels of each image and separated the low frequency image from the first image and the high frequency image from the second image. Finally, I combined the two frequencies together and stacked the color channels at the end to create a colored hybrid image. The first set of images displayed below has a frequency analysis of the process which shows the Fourier transform of the input images, the filtered images, and the resulting hybrid image. (For bells & whistles, I used color to enhance the effect of the hybrid images. Through experimentation, I found that only adding color to the low frequency image makes for an interesting result. Adding color to the high frequency image makes little difference because the human eye cannot see high frequency color well.)
Fourier Transform Whale
Fourier Transform Hawk
Low Frequency Whale Fourier Transform
High Frequency Hawk Fourier Transform
Hybrid Fourier Transform
The above hybrid is an example of a failure case. The piano and Tesla did not align particularly well, resulting in the Tesla image being hard to see at all viewing angles.

Part 2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

Another function we can do with image frequencies is discovering the structure of images at different resolutions. Recall that when applying a Gaussian filter to an image, it isolates the low frequencies of that image. Similarly, subtracting the low frequency image from the original image gives us the high frequency image. In this section, we will be implementing a Gaussian and Laplacian stack. In the Gaussian stack, my implementation takes an input image and repeatedly filters it with a Gaussian filter of size 30 x 30 with σ = 5 at 5 levels. For the Laplacian stack, I simply take a Gaussian filtered image at a single level and subtract it from the Gaussian filtered image at the previous level. This implies that we will need to calculate an extra Gaussian filtered image to create 5 Laplacian filtered images. The result of this process on several hybrid images is shown below. You will notice that the stacks reveal different frequency structures at each level. The Laplacian stack has been converted to grayscale for better visibility.
Original (Lincoln in Dalivision)
Level 1 (Gaussian)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 1 (Laplacian)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Original (Hybrid)
Level 1 (Gaussian)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 1 (Laplacian)
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Part 2.4: Multiresolution Blending (Bells & Whistles)

The coolest part of image frequencies is image blending. This part of the project blends two images such that there is a smooth joining between them. To generate this blend, my implementation first separates the color channels of my input images and takes the Laplacian stacks of the parts of the two images to be blended together. Next, I create a mask of the image and apply the Gaussian stack to it with a Gaussian filter of size 30 x 30 and σ = 5. This mask is a crucial part of the implementation that creates a seamless join between the two images. After creating the stacks, each level of all three stacks are combined with the following formula:
blended level = Laplacian level of image 1 * Gaussian level of mask + (1 - Gaussian level of mask) * Laplacian level of image 2
Once we have created our blended levels, we will combine all blended levels to form the final blended image and stack the color channels to produce the colored image. See below for some cool blended images!
Blended Image
Space Background
Blended Image
Blended Image

Final Thoughts

This project was very exciting to work on and allowed me to learn a lot about how we can manipulate images using only filters and image frequencies. My favorite thing that I learned was how simple yet extraordinary Gaussian filters are when you apply them to images. In every part of this project, we have used Gaussian filters in some way to create the final image that we wanted. By far, the coolest thing that I learned is how to blend images to create interesting and crazy effects. This has made me realize that the field of computer vision is vast and there is always something to learn!