CS 194-26 Fall 2020

Project 2: Fun with Filters and Frequencies!

Brian Wu

Part 1: Fun with Filters

[cameraman] original image

Part 1.1: Finite Difference Operator

The general idea for computing the gradient magnitude was as follows: in order to find the magnitude of the gradient at a particular point, we first need the value of the partial derivatives in the X and Y directions at that point. The approximation of the partial derivative in the X direction for our discrete images is simply the difference between current pixel and next pixel, since df(x,y)/dx is approximated by [f(x + 1, y) - f(x, y)]/1.

To concisely represent this operation, we use convolutions. In our case, for the X direction, if we want this difference we can convolve 2D array [[1, -1]] with the image (using same mode to preserve size), where the former acts as a filter. This is like cross-correlation except we flip our filter in X and Y direction before multiplying. We do similar actions for the Y direction, and we get two 2D arrays, each the same length and width as original image. To get the final result, we just compute the elementwise square root of sum of squares of X and Y partial derivatives. To represent this image in binary we set a threshhold on these values.

One final caveat is that our original image contains multiple channels for all the colors. To reduce this to a 2D representation we simply convert it to grayscale.

[cameraman] threshhold = 0.09

Part 1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

The differences between blurring the original image by convolving with a Gaussian filter before convolving with the difference operators are that the pre-blurred version give better edges, since the blurring results in significantly less noise by removing the sharpness of the non-edge noise, especially at the bottom of the image.

We also note that the result of convolving the Gaussian with the difference operators first, and using this DoG filter on the original image, results in the exact same output.

Gaussian kernel
[cameraman] blurred with Gaussian
[cameraman] binary (threshold 0.025) of gradient magnitude of blurred image convolved with partial derivatives
Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter in X
Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter in Y
[cameraman] binary (threshold 0.025) of gradient magnitude of original image convolved with DoG filters

Part 1.3: Image Straightening

For this part, I attempt to straighten images by rotating them across some range, then computing a histogram of the orientation of all the edges. I then choose the rotation that gives the best percentage of horizontal and vertical edges, since we hope that a straightened image would have many horizontal and vertical edges.

For visualization purposes, the histogram values for -180, -90, 0, 90, and 180 degrees have been highlighted in red. These values determined the amount of horizontal and vertical edges in my images.

[facade] original image
original orientation histogram
[facade] straightened
straightened orientation histogram
[new_york] original image
original orientation histogram
[new_york] straightened
straightened orientation histogram
[lake] original image
original orientation histogram
[lake] straightened
straightened orientation histogram

I expected the above lake image to fail, since there is a lot of reflection and different terrain going on, but it actually surprisingly worked very well! I found, however, that the below image is very difficult to align, presumably because of lack of horizon and dominating hair going in so many different directions (this difficulty is clear from the messier histogram as well).

[hair] original image
original orientation histogram
[hair] straightened (FAILURE CASE)
straightened orientation histogram (FAILURE CASE)

Part 2: Fun with Frequencies!

Part 2.1: Image "Sharpening"

We attempt to sharpen images by creating a blurred version (by convolving with a Gaussian filter), subtracting these low frequency signals from the original to isolate the high frequency edges, and adding these back to the orignal image.
[taj] original image
[taj] sharpened image
[3080] original image
[3080] sharpened image
For evaluation purposes, I also took an image which was already clear, blurred it, then applied the sharpening on the blurred version to compare to the original.
[olivia] original clear image
[olivia] blurred image
[olivia] sharpened image

Part 2.2: Hybrid Images


The following is a FAILURE CASE for hybrid images. This is primarily due do the difficulty in alignment and the vastly different objects and settings.

(FAILURE CASE) bernard
For this part I also show the frequency analysis of the two inputs, the two filtered images, and the hybrid.
happy fourier
sad fourier
happy low frequency
happy low frequency fourier
sad high frequency
sad high frequency fourier
hybrid emotions
hybrid emotions fourier

Part 2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

Appliying Gaussian and Laplacian stacks to Salvador Dali's Lincoln and Gala.


Appliying Gaussian and Laplacian stacks to Hybrid Image of old and young version of William, Gaussian stacks reveal low frequencies (old) while Laplacian stacks reveal high frequencies (young).


Part 2.4: Multiresolution Blending (a.k.a. the oraple!)

For this part we blend 2 images at multiple resolutions by adding their Laplacian stacks together, weighting elementwise with a Gaussian stack of a mask.

Bells and Whistles (adding color)

For the first 2 examples I used the standard horizontal mask, splitting image into 2 (left and right).

Apple + Orange

apple + orange blended

Anakin + Musk

anakin musk?

I also display the Laplacian stack and masked input images (for grayscale version) for each layer.

For the next part I drew an irregular mask (oval) to blend one black hole into the inside of another.

actual black hole
interstallar black hole
irregular mask
black hole in black hole blended

Coolest/most interesting thing I learned.

The coolest part of this project was defintely the hybrid images. It was fun to play with the frequency cutoffs for each to merge the highs from one and the lows from another, and most of the images turned out nicely. I learned that we percieve different frequencies based on how far we are from something, which allows for the hybrid effect.