Fun with Filters and Frequencies!

CS 294-26 • Fall 2020 • Project 2

Shubha Jagannatha


In this assignment, I create several filters and effects by utilizing and modifying the frequency distribution of these images!

Part 1

Part 1.1: Finite Difference Operator

In this portion of the project, our aim was to get to a binarized edge image. We accomplished this by finding the partial derivative of the image in the x and y directions by convolving the image with the finite difference operators D_x = [[1, -1]] and D_y = D_x transposed. Doing so would give us the "edges" moving in the x direction and y direction. Then, we find the gradient magnitude from the square root of the sum of D_x and D_y squared. This would give us the magnitude of all edges combined in a single image. Lastly, we "binarized" the images by using a chosen threshold (0.1 in the case shown) by turning any value > threshold into 1 and any value <= threshold into 0. As one can see, the final edge image has a significant amount of noise.

Original Image
D_x Image
D_y Image
Gradient Magnitude Image
Edge Image Image

Part 1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

In this portion of the project, we want to remove the noise previously seen in part 1.1 by blurring the original image, equivalent to convolving it with a Gaussian. We tried two methods to achieve this.

The first (naive) method we used to blur the image was to blur the image by convolving it with a 2D gaussian, then getting the D_x image, the D_y image, the gradient magnitude image, and the edge image as we did in the previous part. Here is the final result with noticeably reduced noise, especially towards the bottom half of the image. The edges also appear stronger here.

Naive Result

The second, more advanced method would be to achieve the same result with a single convolution instead of two by creating a derivative of gaussian filter. In order to do this, we can convolve the gaussian by itself with the D_x and D_y filter to create the derivative of gaussian (DoG) filter and do a single convolution with the image and the DoG filter. Here are the resulting DoG filters as images and the final result. The final result is the same as our naive result with any slight differences caused by the mode used for convolution.
D_x filter
D_y filter
Final Result

Part 1.3: Image Straightening

For this part, we would like to take in an image and automatically straighten it. Since most images have a preference for vertical and horizontal edges due to gravity, we essentially want to check whether our edges are close to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. In order to do this, I tested a number of rotations from -10 to 10 degrees for each image and chose whichever rotation had the maximum count of vertical or horizontal edge pixels.

Here are the results and histogram for a number of images:


After: Rotated -4 Degrees


After: Rotated -6 Degrees


After: Rotated 8 Degrees

Failure Case: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Here's a case where the straightening didn't work as well because with the leaning tower of Pisa, the assumption that majority of the edges are vertical or horizontal no longer holds.
After: Rotated 8 Degrees

Part 2

Part 2.1: Image "Sharpening"

In this portion of the project, we are sharpening images by creating a version of the image with only the high frequencies and adding it back into the image. We do this by taking the original image, creating a blurred version (with only the low frequency elements in the image), and subtracting the blurred version from the original image to only have the high frequencies remaining. In my code, I've combined all of these operations into a single convolution operation called the unmask filter. Here are some examples of sharpened images:

The images I pulled from Wes Anderson films have some amount of grain in them originally. This high frequency noise is amplified by the sharpening. Here is an image I've blurred and resharpened. I notice that there are some artifacts which showed up after blurring the image (particularly by her chin and her hair frizz) which is still present when I resharpen the image. A lot of the detail from the original image is lost when blurring and resharpening:


Part 2.2: Hybrid Images

Here I've successfully created hybrid images by taking two images, aligning and cropping them, running a high pass filter on one, running a low pass filter on the other, and overlaying the two images. When the viewer is close to the image, they see primarily the high frequency elements and when they are further away or blur their vision, they primarily see the low frequency elements. This allows viewers to see two different pictures in the same image! These images do have to have some means of alignment, or we arrive at the failure case demonstrated below (Snoop Llama). The lack of alignment makes the two images very distinguishable as separate images and breaks the hybrid image illusion.

Robert Reich
Elon Musk
Robert Musk
Timothee Chalamet
Saorise Ronan
Timothee Ronan
Failure Case: Snoop Dogg
Failure Case: Llama
Failure Case: Snoop Llama

Here is the breakdown of the Robert Musk hybrid image process in the fourier domain.

Reich: Fourier Domain
Musk: Fourier Domain
Reich: Lowpass
Reich: Lowpass Fourier Domain
Musk: Highpass
Musk: Highpass Fourier Domain

Hybrid Image
Hybrid Image Fourier Domain

Part 2.3: Hybrid Images

In this portion of the project, I created a Gaussian and Laplacian stack.

The Gaussian stack was created by repeatedly applying a gaussian of kernel size = 9 and sigma = 3 to the previous image on the stack. The Laplacian stack was created by subtracting the neighboring images in the Gaussian stack. The first row here is the Gaussian stack and the second row is the Laplacian stack.

Here's a Laplacian stack of m Timothee Chalamet + Saorise Ronan image to show the different frequencies.

Part 2.4: Hybrid Images

In this last part of the project, I've blended two images using a mask. In order to accomplish this, I created Laplacian pyramids for the two images and a Gaussian pyramid for the mask. Then I combined the two Laplacian pyramids into a third hybrid Laplacian pyramid by using the gaussian pyramid of the mask as weights. Lastly, I summed up the images in the Laplacian pyramid to obtain the final image.

Here are some of my final results!

Pie Cake
Young Steve
Old Steve
Combined Steve

Here's a couple examples of the high frequency and low frequency combined images:

Young Steve, High Freq
Old Steve, High Freq
Combined, High Freq
Young Steve, Low Freq
Old Steve, Low Freq
Combined, Low Freq

That's all for this assignment. I particularly enjoyed the creation of hybrid images and seeing the frequency breakdown shown through the Laplacian pyramid!