CS194-26 Proj 2

Kehan Wang

Part 1


The magnitude of gradient is computed by:
where g_x, g_y comes from convolving D_x, D_y against the image.

We then see every pixel of the convolution results as a gradient in x or y direction - g_x or g_y, and compute the magnitude using the above formula.


The difference we see after applying guassian kernel is that the noise in the background is removed. In 1.1, we can see small white dots in the lower part of the background. In 1.2, there is less noise.


Official image

Self-select image1: success

Self-select image2: success

Self-select image3: failure


Official image

Self-select image


Official image

Self select image 1 - success

Trump Kim Jong-Un Supreme Leader

Self select image 2 - success

Apple Laugh Applaugh

Self select image 3 - failure

SpaceX rocket is not good enough to be a superman yet.

Superman Rocket Rocketman

Bell and whistles:

I used grayscale for low frequency and color for high frequency so the color for low frequency does not dominate the view.

