Filters and

dream and make the new reality with us


The subject matter of this project is the scientific and aesthetic utilisation of two-dimensional timed repetitions. Its key takeaways are the versatility of the Gaussian Filter, and the significance of the Fast Fourier Transform (the ability to multiply in the Frequency Domain, instead of having to convolute in the Spatial Domain). Words can hardly describe the joy of encountering these means, learning how to engineer them, and making through them, art.

Table of Contents

1. Finite Difference Operator
2. Derivative of Gaussian
3. Image Straightening
4. Unsharp Mask
5. Perception?

1. Finite Difference Operator

Images are data. They can be interpreted to become information. Interpretation requires Difference (a distinction, a detail, something that stands out). Visually, Difference can take on many qualities: color, texture, consistency. To be employed in Computer Vision, though, it must be somehow quantified. Hence enters the concept of change, and the mathematical study of change, differential calculus.

The edges of an image—its contours, those elements which delineate forms, and ultimately, make the symbols that provide us with meaning—are primarily a sharp change in color. In differential calculus, sharp changes are denoted by peaks in the gradient. Developing methods to accurately and efficiently compute the gradient of an image is, therefore, essential deriving or communicating meaning through vision.

That said, images, unlike other signals, are two-dimensonal, which signifies that computing their gradient is a bit more complicated than taking a derivative. Namely, the gradient (total derivative) must be computed as a function of the partial derivatives in each dimension. Now, on the (very, very) bright side, since images (at least within computer screens) are represented as discrete signals, no obscure calculus rules need to be memorized. The dot product says hi (and winks)!

Practically: the partial derivative of a line of pixels along a dimension (for example, the x- or y-axis) is the extent to which each of its constituent pixels is distinguishable from its neighbors along that line. The total derivative, therefore, is the extent to which every pixel in the image is different from its neighbors, along both dimensions.

Algorithm-wise, the image gradient can be implemented by first constructing two arrays of finite difference operators, one for each dimension. A finite difference operator is nothing more than a vector whose dot product with any other vector is the result of subtracting the elements of the other vector, in order. When convolved with an image, a finite difference operator yields the partial derivative of the image in the direction along its dimension. Joined together, two finite difference operators form a kernel. When convolved with the image, such kernel yields the gradient.

Having thus examined the role of the image gradient as morphogenic Difference, only one more concept needs to be introduced: the threshold. Thresholds are intensive points used to (subjectively?) separate, and therefore identify, that which is from that which is not. For example, the last three of following Cameraman pictures are the result of taking the image gradient, and applying a threshold. Any pixel intensity above the threshold is rounded up to 1 (is considered an edge). Any pixel intensity below the threshold is rounded down to 0 (is not considered an edge). Voilà.








threshold: 0.0010


threshold: 0.0015


threshold: 0.0020

2. Derivative of Gaussian

A shortcoming of taking the gradient of the image directly is that the latter, due to its sampled nature, is subject to noise. This results in detecting edges and artifacts that do not trully exist. Enter filtering. By selectively choosing which frequencies to keep from the image, the output will constitute (almost) only pertinent information.

The filter implemented for this project is known as Gaussian, as it involves a kernel made of a Gaussian (aka. Normal) distribution. The image in question is convolved with the kernel. As such, the intensity of the pixel in the middle of an area of the image having the size of the kernel, will become the weighted average of intensities in that area (with intensities closer to the center being assigned a higher weight).

Notice the difference that filtering with a Gaussian before performing the gradient computationmakes. The following images of the Cameraman where first passed by a Gaussian filter with a kernel size of 3 and a standard deviation of 1.6. The image gradient, unlike in the previous part, now produces images that are gray rather than black and white. This occurs because a blurry image has less variation in frequency. Edges that used to be white are now a little darker. Parts that used to be black are now a little lighter. Everything is a bit more homogeneous.








threshold: 0.0002


threshold: 0.0005


threshold: 0.0010

3. Image Straightening

Images can be straightened programatically by testing their orientation along a set of rotations, and keeping the rotation that performs better in terms of maximizing the number of horizontal and vertical edges in the scene. The intuition behind such algorithm lies in the fact that, due to gravity, humans have a statistical preferences for lines parallel to, and orthogonal to, the ground.

The metric to count horizontal and vertical edges is straightforward: first compute the gradient orientation at each pixel, which is simply the arctan of the ratio between the partial derivatives. Then, take the cos and sin of this orientation, and multiply them together. The more the gradient orientation approaches 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees, the closer it will be to zero, and vice versa.

That said, a difficulty may arise in that rotated images may contain remnant black borders from the rotation. As such, when rotating to test for orientation, the candidate image must also be cropped to only contain image information. This signifies that every candidate image will have a different number of pixels, which will skew the metric. The solution is to weight the metric by the size of each image. The following images show the algorithm in action for a facade.






-4°, cropped

Angles Histogram


Angles Histogram


The algorithm is also able to straighten the legendary Tower of Pisa, and a badly rotated picture of Mona Lisa, with minimal error. As it can be seen in the histograms, the rotated images contain a greater number of pixels where the gradient is either 0, π, or, -π radians, compared to their original versions.

Tower of Pisa


Tower of Pisa

Tower of Pisa

4°, cropped

Angles Histogram


Angles Histogram

(Badly Rotated) Mona Lisa


(Straight) Mona Lisa


(Part of) Mona Lisa

-16°, cropped

Angles Histogram


Angles Histogram


The algorithm is nevertheless far from perfect. Images that naturally contain curves, such as the following picture of a bunny rendered with platinum skin, result in failures.

Platinum Bunny

self-render for CS184

Platinum Bunny


Platinum Bunny

-8°, cropped

Angles Histogram

(somewhat) original

Angles Histogram


Speaking of failures, the algorithm cannot distinguish between rotations where the image is oriented according to how a human expects it, and one where it has been rotated by 90 or -90 degrees. Potential improvements to the algorithm (which however were outside of the scope of this project) include weighting the metric, or at least veryfying the edge cases, using feature detection.

Vitruvian Man


Vitruvian Man

10° (failure)

Vitruvian Man

10°, cropped

Angles Histogram


Angles Histogram


Finally, it is worth mentioning that certain cases exist where the algorithm, and even a potential one enhanced with feature detection, stands absolutely no chance of success. That said, it is doubtful whether a human stands much chance either. Certain things simply cannot be measured. Kadinsky's awe-provoking masterpiece, Composition VII is a compeling proof.

Composition VII

Wassily Kadinsky (1913)

Composition VII

-25° (failure?)

Composition VII

-25°, cropped

Angles Histogram


Angles Histogram


4. Unsharp Mask

The Gaussian filter developed previously can find further use in image sharpening. A blurry image, in essence, is one that retained its low frequencies, yet had its high frequencies removed. When subtracted from the original image, the blurry (low frequencies) image yields a very crisp (high frequencies) image. The original image can be sharpened by simply adding it up to the crisp image, factored to taste.




unsharp mask


gaussian blur


unsharp mask on gaussian blur

Notice the unsharp mask can make a relatively low resolution image appear to be higher resolution, and even enhance perceived color. However, it is by no means magical. Images that are naturally blurry (or became blurry) will remain so.

Composition VII


Composition VII

unsharp mask (notice colors)

Composition VII

gaussian blur

Composition VII

unsharp mask on gaussian blur

IKB 191


IKB 191

unsharp mask (notice details)

IKB 191

gaussian blur

IKB 191

unsharp mask on gaussian blur

5. Perception?

Two advanced applications of the Gaussian Blur are Hybrid Images (Oliva, Torralba, Schyns, SIGGRAPH 2006) and Multiresolution Blending (Burt and Adelson, ACM Transactions on Graphics 1983). Hybrid Images are images containing two scenes within one, and which appear selectively based on the viewer's distance. Multiresolution Blending referes to a technique of taking a patch from one image, and seamlesly aking it appear as an organic part of another.

The algorithms of this part were implemented exactly as outlined by their authors. As a sole exception, in multiresolution blending similar resolution stacks were used over pyramids to preserve as much information as possible. Furthermore, to speed up the filtering process, every image was first converted to its frequency domain with a Fast Fourier Transform, and then, once the desired filter had been applied, inverted back to its spatial domain. The following images demonstrate the results.

Arbres sur un fond jaune

Odilon Redon (1901)

IKB 191

Yves Klein (1962)

Arbres 191

Nature Plastique

E8 graph of 421 Polytope, Petrie Projection

low frequencies

E7 graph of 132 Polytope, Petrie Projection

high frequencies

Hybrid Petrie

failure (but an absolutely beautiful one!)

Platinum Bunny

low frequencies

Chroma Bunny

high frequencies

Platinum-Chroma Bunny

when the features of the images blended are extremely similar, the effect is inevident

the three mustacheers of human civilization

Albert Dali

Friedrich Einstein

Salvador Nietzsche

Albert Einstein

Friedrich Nietzsche

Salvador Dali


Albert Einstein

low frequencies

Salvador Dali

high frequencies

Albert Dali


Albert Einstein (Input)

frequency domain

Salvador Dali (Input)

frequency domain

Albert Einstein


Salvador Dali


Albert Dali (Output)

frequency domain

low frequencies form content, high frequencies form shape

Friedrich Nietzsche

low frequencies

Albert Einstein

high frequencies

Friedrich Einstein


Friedrich Einstein

gaussian, level 1

Friedrich Einstein

gaussian, level 2

Friedrich Einstein

gaussian, level 3

Friedrich Einstein

gaussian, level 4

Friedrich Einstein

gaussian, level 5

filtering is equivalent to changing the viewer's spatial position

Salvador Dali

low frequencies

Friedrich Nietzsche

high frequencies

Salvador Nietzsche


Salvador Nietzsche

laplacian, level 1

Salvador Nietzsche

laplacian, level 2

Salvador Nietzsche

laplacian, level 3

Salvador Nietzsche

laplacian, level 4

Salvador Nietzsche

laplacian, level 5

visualizing stacks

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 0

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 1

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 2

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 3

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 4

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 5

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 6

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 7

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 8

Lincoln and Gala

gaussian, level 9

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 0

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 1

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 2

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 3

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 4

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 5

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 6

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 7

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 8

Lincoln and Gala

laplacian, level 9

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 0

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 1

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 2

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 3

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 4

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 5

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 6

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 7

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 8

Lincoln and Gala

bandpass, level 9

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 0

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 1

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 2

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 3

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 4

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 5

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 6

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 7

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 8

Lincoln and Gala

sharpen, level 9

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 0

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 1

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 2

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 3

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 4

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 5

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 6

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 7

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 8

Mona Lisa

gaussian, level 9

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 0

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 1

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 2

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 3

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 4

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 5

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 6

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 7

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 8

Mona Lisa

laplacian, level 9

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 0

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 1

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 2

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 3

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 4

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 5

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 6

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 7

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 8

Mona Lisa

bandpass, level 9

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 0

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 1

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 2

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 3

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 4

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 5

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 6

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 7

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 8

Mona Lisa

sharpen, level 9


Circles in a Circle

Wassily Kadinsky (1923)

Vitruvian Man

Leonardo Da Vinci (c. 1490)

Circles Upon Man


Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 0

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 1

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 2

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 3

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 4

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 5

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 6

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 7

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 8

Vitruvian Man

laplacian, level 9

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 0

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 1

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 2

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 3

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 4

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 5

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 6

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 7

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 8

Vitruvian Man

mask, level 9

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 0

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 1

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 2

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 3

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 4

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 5

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 6

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 7

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 8

Vitruvian Man

applied mask, level 9

Circles Upon Man

low frequencies

Vitruvian Man

high frequencies

Homo Universalis

Vitruvian Man

low frequencies

Circles Upon Man

high frequencies



"The practical teaching of Nietzsche is that difference is a happy accident,that
the diverse, the becoming, the random, are sufficient as objects of happiness.
That only happiness returns."

— Gilles Deleuze






In The Making

laplacian, level 0

In The Making

laplacian, level 1

In The Making

laplacian, level 2

In The Making

laplacian, level 3

In The Making

laplacian, level 4

In The Making

laplacian, level 5

In The Making

laplacian, level 6

In The Making

laplacian, level 7

In The Making

laplacian, level 8

In The Making

laplacian, level 9

In The Making

mask, level 0

In The Making

mask, level 1

In The Making

mask, level 2

In The Making

mask, level 3

In The Making

mask, level 4

In The Making

mask, level 5

In The Making

mask, level 6

In The Making

mask, level 7

In The Making

mask, level 8

In The Making

mask, level 9

In The Making

applied mask, level 0

In The Making

applied mask, level 1

In The Making

applied mask, level 2

In The Making

applied mask, level 3

In The Making

applied mask, level 4

In The Making

applied mask, level 5

In The Making

applied mask, level 6

In The Making

applied mask, level 7

In The Making

applied mask, level 8

In The Making

applied mask, level 9


John Leffmann (2015)

In The Making


frequency domain


frequency domain





Canned Orapple

frequency domain


level 0


level 5


level 9

CS 194-26: Computer Vision and Computational Photography (Fall 2020)
