Face Morphing

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

I first learned about face morphing when I use Tik-tok. Users are able to morph their faces into a lot of interesting things, such as unicorns, celebrities, etc. A morph is a simultaneous warp of the image shape and a cross-dissolve of the image colors. In this project, I computed the mid-way face, produced several morph sequences, and applied the algorithm to create some interesting images and videos.

2 Computing the Mid-way Face

In this part, I create a mid-way face of myself and George Clooney.

gui.jpg chris.jpg

Final Mid-way face with color blending:


3 The Morph Sequence

In order to create a morph sequence, I need to set a number α as interpolation handler, then wee can simply weight out the triangle averaging and the color blending.


4 Population Mean Face

In this part, I used the dataset from Danes to compute a population’s mean face. To do that, we calculate the average triangles and adjust every picture to it, finalizing by blending all the colors together.

pop_ex.jpg pop_ex_tri.jpg

Now, I morph my face with the population mean face as well as the mean face to mine:

(up: my face to pop mean, below: pop mean to my face)

5 Caricature

By extrapolating the morphing algorithm, I get this result:


6 Bells and Whistles

6.1 Changing genders

I changed my friend into a man. The results follow.

pop_f.jpg pop_m.jpg
Left: My friend, Right: pop mean

The faces don't perfectly match since I only chose four points. It can be further improved by selecting more corrospondance points.

6.2 My Growth

I morphed my face when I was about 4 years old when my face now. In my program, I set α₂ to be 0.5 which is arbitrary. The result follows:


6.3 Face-morphing music video of the students in the class

My friends and I created a The result is available here.