CS 194 Project 4

NN Keypoint Detection


In this project, we will be using neural networks to run keypoint detection on faces. This type of algorithm has very vast implications and utility including Apple's Face ID or pedestrian detection for Autonomous Driving. All the code for this project can be found at this public link . Additionally, all of the data for the first two parts can be found here. First we will focus on detecting a single point on the face. Then we will transition to a full blown 58 point detection. Finally, we will use transfer learning to bolster our detection process to get a robust 68 point feature detection algorithm!

Part 1: Detecting the Nose Keypoint

Writing the Dataloader

We used the IMM dataset for nose keypoint detection. In order to do this, we needed to first write a pytorch dataloader to load the images. This is done by reading the correct file and transforming it into a PIL image. We are lucky that pytorch's Dataset and Dataloader class abstract away most of the complexity surrounding doing these things. Here are some example images from the dataset. The dot nearest to the nose represents the nose keypoint!

Training a basic CNN

In order to detect the keypoints, we have to use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to read in the image and output a prediction. We decided to use the following architecture for our neural network.
  1. 3x3 Convolutional Layer moving from 1 channel to 12
  2. 3x3 Convolutional Layer moving from 12 channels to 16
  3. 3x3 Convolutional Layer moving from 16 channels to 20
  4. 3x3 Convolutional Layer moving from 20 channels to 24
  5. Fully Connected Layer from 72 Neurons to 120 Neurons
  6. Fully Connected Layer from 120 Neurons to 2 Neurons
Note: Each convolutional layer is 1 convolutiona layer followed by a ReLU and then a 2D Max Pool. The first fully connected layer also has a ReLu activation. All convolutional weights are initalized with kaiming uniform weights. The fully connected layers have xaiver uniform weights. Biases were initalized to 0. We trained this network on images of size 80 X 60 for 25 Epochs. There were 192 images in our training set and 48 images in our test set. Note this is a pretty severe lack of data for a CNN.


Our loss curve for our CNN looks like the following:
This CNN produced somewhat mixed results. We believe this is primarily because of the severe lack of data available. If we had applied data augmentations or simply had more images this would have likely greatly improved our predictability. In addition, had the images been bigger or the neural network had more channels, it is likely our network would have performed stronger.
Success Cases
Failure Cases
My ultimate theory as to why these are failures are that the point is most closely associated with the brightest pixel on the screen. In most of these images, this brightest point lies near the nose since that is often what is most well illuminated. I believe that this network is not taking into account the rest of the image and so it is only detecting the brightest pixel.

Part 2: Full Facial Keypoint Detection

We now aim to enhance our previous network into a network that can detect 58 keypoints on various parts of the image!

Adding Data Augmentations

As we saw in the previous section, our network does not perform well if we don't have that much data. We remedy this in two ways:
  1. We increase the amount of data per image by increasing the input size to a 320 X 240 image.
  2. We apply the following data augmentations to add more data:
    • Rotation between [-15, 15] degrees
    • Translation within 25% of the center
    • Color Jitter (changing the saturation and contrast)
The data augmentations are applied randomly as the data is fetched at each epoch and translate to the keypoints once the network has been trained. With these augmentations, we now have images as follows:

Improving Model Architecture

There are a series of modifications that help improve the model architecture to perform better than previously seen.
  1. Significantly increased the number of channels in the image
  2. Appended a sigmoid layer at the end to set the final values between 0 and 1
  3. Added a dropout layer to our Fully Connected network to combat overfitting
First, by increasing the number of channels, our network becomes more expressable and is able to capture a greater number of features useful for later layers. Our architecture now looks as follows:
  1. A 5 X 5 convolutional layer from 1 channel to 20 channels
  2. A 5 X 5 convolutional layer from 20 channels to 40 channels
  3. A 5 X 5 convolutional layer from 40 channels to 80 channels
  4. A 3 X 3 convolutional layer from 80 channels to 160 channels
  5. A 3 X 3 convolutional layer from 160 channels to 320 channels
  6. A 3 X 3 convolutional layer from 320 channels to 320 channels
  7. A fully connected layer from 4800 channels to 10000 channels with dropout
  8. A fully connected layer from 10000 channels to 116 channels
Note: the last convolutional layer does not have a max-pool at the end of it. Otherwise, all convolutional layers contain a ReLU and a max pool. The first fully connected layer has dropout with probabiliy 0.4 with ReLU activation. The final layer has a sigmoid activation. Our learning rate was tuned to be 0.0001.


Below is our loss curves:
Success Cases
Failure Cases
These failure cases are likely due (once again) to lack of data and improper hyperparameter tuning. In the next section we will use transfer learning to boost our accuracy on a larger dataset!


It is interesting to visualize what the learned filters of this model are. We have 20 of them in the first layer, which have shown below.
Of these, the third and eighth filters are interesting since they resemble edge detection filters in the north and south. In general, there is a lot of heterogeneity in these filters but it is noticable that between any two squares there is usually a lot of contrast. This suggests a high reliance on edge detection to help with keypoint detection!

Trasfer Learning to Boost Keypoint Detection

To boost our keypoint detection to superhuman levels, we will use the method of simplicity: cheating. In other words we will take an already pretrained neural network on a larger dataset and use the learned features to train a new neural network that will better fit the edge case, which is keypoint detection.


For this, the only major challenge was utilizing bounding box data along with the image data to crop our images so that they had the face inside of them. There were certainly cases in which the keypoints actually existed outside the bounding box. For this reason, we resized our bounding box to be 40% bigger in the x and y directions. Here are some images from our dataset.

Model Architecture

We utilize the ResNet-18 model making two very simple modifications:
  1. The first layer is a convolutional layer that takes in 1 channel instead of three
  2. The final layer is a fully connected layer that outputs 136 points, one for each coordinate of the keypoint.
Other than that, the architecture is the same as ResNet which includes a lot of Batch-Normalization layers and Residual layers with skip connections. Since this model is bigger, it also requries us to train it for a lot longer! With our augmented data-set however we don't neet to train for too long before our network starts performing well. We trained the model for 10 epochs with a learning rate of 0.0001 and then reduced the learning rate to 0.00001 and trained it for another 3 epochs. This works out well since the reduction of the learning rate helps the network fine-tune its predictions without overfitting too much.


Below is our loss curve. Note that the losses are much much lower now!:
Here are some of our faces that we were able to predict from the test set!
Here are some of my personal images that were predicable here. The first is me, the second is me when I was 5 years old, and the third is my dad!
We note that this model does really well on the one in the middle and a bit more sub par on the two outside. I think the last one is particularly poor simply because the image quality is low. That image in particular was upsampled to 224 by 224 where as the other two were slightly downsampled. Overall, however, the network does fairly well in identifying keypoints. Finally, we reported our resuts on Kaggle and received a score of: 10.16687 among the top 40 students!