Project 4: Facial Keypoint Detection with Neural Networks

Joseph Kraut

Part 1: Nose Tip Detection

Below are a few samples of images from the dataloader (i.e. after transformation) and their respective ground truth nose keypoints.

The plots of train and validate accuracy are below

Blue: Training Loss
Orange: Validation Loss

Finally, some success and failure cases are below. The failure cases likely occur because the nose is turned or not in the center of the image. Intuitively the model can get good loss by always predicting near the center because this dataset has mostly centered faces; so the model may simply be biased towards the center of the image.

Success Case 1
Success Case 2
Failure Case 1
Failure Case 2

Part 2: Full Facial Keypoints Detection


Below are a few sampled points from the dataloader

As you can see from sample 2, one data augmentation technique I used was to randomly shift the images. In addition to this, I augmented the dataset by applying random color jitter and random flips across the vertical axis.


The architecture that worked best for the larger problem is visualized below. In specific, I used 6 convolutional layers with $[32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 512]$ output layers respectively. The kernel size of each convolutional layer is $3$. Each convolutional layer is followed by a ReLU, but importantly not a max pool. In order to "learn" the downsampling, I experimented with replacing max pooling layers with convolutional layers of stride 2, which have the same downsampling effect. This lead to a serious jump in performance over the max pooling approach. Finally, the convolutional stack is followed by two linear layers $\in \mathbb{R}^{985088 \times 512}, \mathbb{R}^{512 \times 2}$ respectively.

Part 2 Model

Finally, the training and validation losses over time are visualized in the plot below.

Blue: Training Loss
Orange: Validation Loss


Below are two failures and two successes. The failures appear to mostly come from poses that aren't straight on which may just be harder to learn. However, my training loss was not significantly below my validation loss, and even on the training images some of the errors we see below were appearing. This suggests that the model is perhaps lacking in capacity as the training loss is not low enough to handle all cases and the model isn't overfitting.

Success Case 1
Success Case 2
Failure Case 1
Failure Case 2

Visualized Filters

The visualized filters for the first convolutional layer are below

Conv1 Filters

Part 3: Train with a Larger Dataset

After training with a larger dataset and submitting to the Kaggle competition, my final MAE was: 31.31099.


The architecture used in this part is exactly PyTorch's pre-trained ResNet-18 with two modifications. Namely

For training, I chose a batch size of 32, and a learning rate of $0.0001$. I trained for 10 epochs. The training and validation loss plots are below.

Blue: Training Loss
Orange: Validation Loss

This architecture is visualized below

Full ResNet Architecture

Below are three success and three failure cases for the

Success Case 1
Success Case 2
Success Case 3
Failure Case 1
Failure Case 2
Failure Case 3

Finally, here are three of my own images which I ran my trained model on. As you can see, the second photo has an occlusion (edamame) which may be why the facial keypoints are more off for that one.

Me, Passport Photo Style
My Girlfriend, At Berkeley Social Club
My Friend Sam, Looking... Strange