CS194-26 Project 5 Part A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Sairanjith Thalanki | 3032739634 | sthalanki@berkeley.edu | cs194-26-adm

Shoot the Pictures

Mosaic Image: Outside Left
Mosaic Image: Outside Right
Rectification Image: Betty Crocker Mix

Recover Homographies

In this part, I computed the H matrix which has 8 degrees of freedom using 4 points labelled on both images. I computed H by solving the following system of linear equations.
Stack the below 4 times for each of the 4 point correspondences:
P = [-x_i, -y_i, -1, 0, 0, 0, x_i * x'_i, y_i * x'_i, x'_i], [0,0,0,-x_i, -y_i, -1, x_i * y'_i, y_i * y'_i, y'_i] H = [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7, h8, h9]^T PH = 0

Image Warp

I used the H matrix calculated above to do an image warp. First, I applied H on the vertices of the source image in order to find the bounding box for the transformed image. Next, I iterated through the pixels of the destination image and colored them based on the interpolated points from the source image.
Outside Right warped to Outside Left shape

Image Rectification

For this part, I marked the points of a rectangular image and then warped the image into a square shape.


Using the image warped images and some blending, I was able to get a mosaic.