CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography

Project 5: (Auto)stitching and photo mosaics (In Progress)

Katherine Lee, cs194-26-aeq

Progress as of Nov 16

Part 1: Recover Homographies

I implemented a function to estimate the homography H in p'= Hp given at least four pairs of data points (p, p').

Part 2: Warp the Images/Image Rectification

The homography estimation function allows me to "rectify" an image given the coordinates of four corners. Here are some examples:

Part 3: Blend the images into a mosaic

Step 1, shoot the images:

Step 2, warp the left and right images into the middle image's projection and calculate their offsets:

Step 3, calculate the size of the final mosaic and translate all the images to their respective position:

Step 4, blend them! (yet to figure out how to set up the alpha channels properly)