Final Project - Selected 1: Image Quilting

By Samuel Sunghun Lee [CS194-26 - Fall 2020]

Source Starter Images

Here are a few source images that I will using throughout this project for
dx dx dx dx dx

Randomly Sampled Texture (10 pts)

For this section, we will create a randomly sampled textured image by taking some patch of size (patchsize, patchsize) and then lay it side by side until we fill the entire outsize image. This doesnt produce the best output because there are hard lines that are clearly noticable by the human eye. I played around with various patchsize to see what kind of results produce visually pleasing images.

dx dx

Overlapping Patches (30 pts)

In the previous section, we saw that randomly cutting and pasting blocks into the outsize image has rough edges along the side by side random patches. For this section, we will lay an overlap patch side by side by some constant overlap. We will iterate through all possible patches of the source image, and gather all the SSD values of putting the patch on the next square by computing the SSD value through the new patch to put on and the overlap that exists. Then, we will gather all patchs that are within a factor of 1.1 of the smallest SSD patch, and randomly select a patch out of those. The image looks more smooth and natural than the naive random patches image from the previous section. We can see that the darker patches tend to have darker neighbors and the lighter patches tend to have lighter neighbors. Still though, the images have large

dx dx

Seam Finding (20 pts)

Even still with the overlapping patches, the previous section produces images with hard cut lines that are visible. In this section, we will add on the functionality of cutting a seam using Dynamic Programming to find the least value path of cutting left and cutting top. I used both left cut and top cut on images that have overlaps on both left and top. The images produced from this section have smoother transitions between each patch due to the carving that we do from calculating the minimum batch from either left to right or top to bottom depending on whether we are cutting left or right. The images from this section are significantly better than the previous sections. By better, I mean they are more pleasing to the eye and the transitions from each patch arent as noticable.
dx dx dx dx dx

Seems in detail

Here are some sample seems that were cut on some overlapping patches. You can see that the cuts are visibly at locations where light colors clustered or dark colors are clustered. The lines show where the cut has been made and patch has been merged with the overlap. The GREEN lines represent the rectangle of overlap, and the red X's represent the path for the Minimum Seam Cut that was calculated using Dynamic Programming.
cutting left
dx dx dx
cutting top
dx dx

Texture Transfer (30 pts)

dx dx dx dx dx dx

Bells and Whistles (10 pts)- Creating my own version of cut.m

Instead of taking the best of top and left seam cuts using Dynamic Programming as said in the paper, I tried doing a top overlap cut AFTER doing a left overlap cut. This made it so that we have two cuts, from the overlap to create a great transition not only to the left image but also to the top overlapping image. You can see the min paths of both top and left sequentially after another.
cutting top AND left
dx dx

Final Project - Selected 2: Lightfield Camera

Part 1 - Depth Refocusing (30 pts):

In this part we want to play around with refocusing the picture at different depths. To do this, we will take all the images of the chess pieces, and align them in a way such that we can refocus the picture at a desired depth. We do this by first calculating the centers of all the image coordinates (Xc, Yc), and then using this to shift all the images by some Alpha with the following equations:
offset_x = (Xi - Xc) * Alpha
offset_y = (Yi - Yc) * Alpha
We can then use these to shift each image by these offsets and then average all the shifted images.
Here are some images at various Alpha constants:
alpha = -0.5:
alpha = -0.25:
alpha = 0:
alpha = 0.1:
alpha = 0.5:

Part 2 - Aperture Adjustment (20 pts):

In this part, we want to play around with Aperture Adjustment which will vary the size of the focused area of the image. We will do this by simplying reducing the amount of images we will consider for averaging by using some constant Radius that will serve as the threshold in which will determine if images are going to be used or not. All images that have a Xc - Xi <= Radius and Yc - Yi <= Radius will be incorporated in our averaging.
Here are the images that are produced with varying radius
radius = 0
radius = 1
radius = 5
radius = 10
radius = 15
radius = 20
radius = 25
radius = 50