CS 194-26 Project 1

name: Andrew Shieh


Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii was a Russian photographer who took pictures of many things in Russia over 100 years ago. He did so with a fancy camera setup that involved taking 3 pictures of the same subject with each picture having a different filter: red, green, or blue. Unfortunately for Sergei, he was never able to see his photographs in color but luckily for us, the images taken with his RGB filters can be formed into color photographs using some special image processing techniques. In this project, I'll try colorizing some of his images of Russia.

Image Alignment

The input files we're dealing with are Sergei's RGB image negatives. As an example, here's cathedral.jpg:
Cathedral RGB negatives
As you can see, each file is laid out as three stacked negatives (in order from top to bottom, it's blue, green, and red). Thus, the first step is to separate each negative, which I did simply by cutting the image into thirds:
Cathedral blue filter
Cathedral green filter
Cathedral red filter
Next, we'll have to stack the filters on top of each other to get a color photo. Here's my first attempt at this, where I simply stacked them on top of each other without any alignment:
Naive colorizing attempt
We can sort of make out the cathedral, but there's one glaring issue I needed to solve: image alignment. Due to Sergei's camera setup, the image negatives weren't properly aligned with each other, so I had to do some work to align them. Following the project spec, I used an exhaustive search over a [-15, 15] bound in both the x and y directions, with L2 loss as my metric. Here's the same image of the cathedral post-alignment:
Without cropping colorizing attempt
Much better, but you can still see some artifacts from the negatives. If you take a close look at the trees in the horizon, you can see some weird blue artifacts, meaning that the alignment still could be improved. To solve this, I added a preprocessing step where I crop the image to only contain the middle 80% of the photo (cut 10% off from the top, bottom, left, and right), in order to crop out the borders and only have the subject in frame. Then, applying the same aligning algorithm as described above, I was able to get much better results:
Cathedral uncropped

Image Pyramid Search

This method worked well for the smaller images (e.g. cathedral.jpg, tobolsk.jpg), but was far too slow for the larger images (i.e. the .tif files). Some of those images needed a larger than [-15, 15] bound, but just increasing the bounds would cause alignment to be far too slow. Thus, I created another alignment algorithm using image pyramid search, where I start by aligning the images rescaled to be low resolution (and hence small), then progressive upscale the images while starting my alignment search from the position given by the search over the smaller image. Using this technique, I was able to align the larger images much faster, with solid results:
Church uncropped

Adjusting the Base Color

The image pyramid search technique worked surprisingly well on almost all the remaining large images. However, the one exception was emir.tif. Take a look at the sad result below:
Emir badly aligned
Why does it look like that? Let's take a look at the image negative for the emir:
Emir RGB negatives
In the photo, the emir is wearing a blue robe, so the filters show very different shades of gray on his outfit. Previously, I was aligning both the red and green filters to the blue filter, but because of the circumstances of this photo, the blue filter (the negative on top) shows a washed out robe, which caused issues when aligning with the red filter (the negative at the bottom), because the "white" and "black" colored robes caused issues with our loss function. Thus, I chose to align just this particular image using the green filter as the base, since the robe shows as grey, a healthy medium between the white and black robes shown by the other two filters. Here is the final result:
Emir uncropped

Extra Credit: Auto-Cropping and Auto-Contrast

For extra credit, I added both auto-cropping and auto-contrast features.

To perform auto-cropping, I wanted to get rid of the weird colors on the edge of each color photo. To do so, I devised an algorithm to loop through each layer row-by-row and column-by-column, marking each row or column if more than 50% of the pixels were greater than 0.95 or less than 0.05, corresponding to areas of mostly white or mostly black. Here's what cathedral.jpg looks like after being auto-cropped:
Cropped cathedral
One issue I ran into with this technique was some crazy cropping for images with mostly white backgrounds, such as train.tif. To counteract this, I only kept the mostly black condition, which cropped the image just fine (previously it would crop all the way to the top of the train):
Cropped train

For auto-contrasting, I rescaled the intensities of each image to be between [0, 1]. However, it's hard to make out the exact differences by eye, since most of the images were already using this entire range.

Appendix: Photo Gallery

Take a look at all the colorized photos below, after being auto-cropped and auto-contrasted. I've also listed the final alignments used to construct each photo (read as (y alignment, x alignment)). This was a super fun project to explore the world of computational photography!

red: (12, 3), green: (5, 2), blue: (0, 0)

red: (58, -4), green: (25, 4), blue: (0, 0)

red: (57, 17), green: (0, 0), blue: (-49, -24)

red: (123, 13), green: (59, 16), blue: (0, 0)

red: (89, 23), green: (41, 17), blue: (0, 0)

red: (112, 11), green: (51, 9), blue: (0, 0)

red: (178, 13), green: (81, 10), blue: (0, 0)

red: (3, 2), green: (-3, 2), blue: (0, 0)

Onion Church
Onion church
red: (108, 36), green: (51, 26), blue: (0, 0)

Self Portrait
Self portrait
red: (176, 37), green: (78, 29), blue: (0, 0)

Three Generations
Three generations
red: (112, 11), green: (53, 14), blue: (0, 0)

red: (6, 3), green: (3, 3), blue: (0, 0)

red: (87, 32), green: (42, 5), blue: (0, 0)

red: (105, -12), green: (53, 0), blue: (0, 0)