Arjun's CS294-26 HW1
Below I describe the approach I took creating color images from the RGB screens.

  1. Split the image vertically into 3 equally sized sub images. The hope is that the Blue Screen is fully in the first sub image and so on.
  2. Apply heuristic algorithms to find dirty borders and edge intensities
  3. Allign Green to Blue then Red to Blue attemping to minimize the difference between edge intensities for the screen pairs. Edge intensities provided a more grounded signal that should actually match as opposed to raw color values from different channels.
  4. Touch up images by rerunning dirty border removal algorithm. with all the channels.

  5. To summarize the 3 additional items are: Some ablations are included at the end of this webpage

    Here are the outputs for the example small images. Deltas are shown with respect to the blue screen. The title format is Image_Name (Green dX, Green dY) (Red dX, Red dY)

    monastery (2, 3) (2, -3) (small)

    cathedral (2, -5) (3, -12) (small)

    tobolsk (2, -3) (3, -6) (small)

    icon (18, -42) (24, -90)

    train (3, -42) (30, -84)

    emir (24, -48) (39, -108)

    melons (12, -81) (12, -177)

    harvesters (18, -60) (12, -123)

    workshop (0, -51) (-12, -102)

    three_generations (12, -54) (9, -111)

    church (3, -24) (-3, -57)

    onion_church (24, -51) (36, -108)

    self_portrait (30, -78) (36, -174)

    lady (9, -57) (12, -120)

    field (30, -24) (42, -60) (personal selection)

    castle (9, -45) (9, -96) (personal selection)

    And a couple ablations. Photo on the left with basic implementation, those on the right include the few additions listed above.

    Here the issue remedied is the remaining border.

    For smaller images in addition to the border, the shift is often more impacted by including invalid pixels.