CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography, Fall 2021

Project 1: Images of the Russian Empire: Colorizing the Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection

Hamza Mohammed

Project Overview

In 1907, the chemist and photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, travelled around the Russian Empire, taking photos of various landmarks and people he visited using a unique camera apparatus (Figure 1). The camera was actually 3 cameras stacked on top of each other, with a color filter. From top to bottom, blue, green, and red filters. Therefore, each exposure, done on a glass plate, was actually a stack of 3 exposures, one with a blue filter, the other a green filter, and the final, a red filter. In this manner, stacking the 3 individual color channel exposures with proper alignment would output a resultant colorized image of the scene photographed (Figure 2).

Unfortunately, Prokudin-Gorskii did not have the technology and means to be able to accurately do this. But now, a century later, technology has more than aptly caught up, and Prokudin-Gorskii’s glass-plate negatives have been preserved and digitized by the Library of Congress. This project aims at developing automated and fast algorithms to reconstruct the colorized images from the digitized copies of Prokudin-Gorskii original glass-plate negatives, in the most accurate and photorealistic manner possible.

Figure 1: Camera used by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii to create the glass-plate negatives. Source: Libary of Congress

Figure 2: Example glass-plate negative, and reconstruction of colorized RGB image with blue, green, red filters applied. Source: https://sechtl-vosecek.ucw.cz/en/expozice5.html


Exhaustive Search

The most naïve approach was to use exhaustive approach. Here we try and shift two of the color channels (ch2 and ch3) to match the reference channel (ch1). For each channel to be aligned, we shift it in the x and y directions by any integer value between [-15, 15], and use a similarity metric (explained later) to determine which of the shifted channels is most similar to the reference channel based on the metric. We then output the corresponding x and y value as the offset for that specific color channel. By running on both channels, aligning the color channels to the reference channel, and stacking the images on top of each other, we get the corresponding colorized image for the glass-plate negative using the exhaustive search method.

For the similarity metric, both the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) and Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC), were used. SSD metric, or l2 norm, is a minimization of the Frobenius norm of the shifted image minus the reference image. Whereas NCC is the maximization of the dot product of the normalized vector of the shifted image with the normalized vector of the reference image. Although both metrics yielded identical offset values from smaller images, NCC ended up being the metric used for the larger images as it’s offsets yielded slightly less artifacts and reduced blurring (Figure 3 & 4).

Figure 3: Church image aligned using SSD as similarity metric.
Note the blurriness of the image.

Figure 4: Church image aligned using NCC as similarity metric
Note the signifcantly reduced artifacts and blurring.


Note that by aligning, we simply mean circularly shifting the pixels of the color channel (a greyscale image matrix representing the brightness values of the filter color for each pixel of the image). In this manner, the border pixels would greatly affect the value of the similarity metric once the image is shifted. As a result, before the similarly metric is calculated for the shifted images, the images are cropped to only include the interior 70% of the image. 15% by width and height of the image is cropped out on either side.

Reference Color Channel

It was quickly noted that the color channel used for reference to align the other two channels made a significant difference on the photorealism and level of artifacts in the alignment of the images. By default, the blue channel was used, but upon testing, it was noted that the green channel produced the best results. This was shown no more clearly than with the Emir photo (Figures 5 & 6). As mentioned in lecture, this may be attributed to how our eyes are most sensitive to green wavelengths than red or blue (Figure 7), or that green wavelengths are in between the red and blue wavelengths of visible light, therefore, green is spectrally close with both red and blue. As a result, aligning images to the green reference image produces the least artifacts and more photo-realism.

Figure 7: The retina cone sensitivity curves for blue, green, and red wavelengths.
Source: The Physics Classroom

Figure 5: Image of Emir aligned using blue color channel as reference.

Figure 6: Image of Emir aligned using green color channel as reference.
Note the signifcantly reduced artifacts.

Results for Example Images (Small)

All images below used green as reference channel and NCC for similarity metric

Blue Channel Offset: (-2, -5)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 7)

Blue Channel Offset: (-2, 3)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 6)

Blue Channel Offset: (-3, -3)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 4)

Pyramid Search

Exhaustive search worked well for the smaller .jpg digitized images, but on larger .tif images, which have resolutions on the order of 103, this naïve search method is incredibly slow. To reduce runtime of the search method, the image pyramid technique was implemented. This technique constructs a pyramid of images where at each increasing level, the image is downsampled by a factor (default used was 0.5), until the image has a height less than 100 pixels. Note that the sk.transform.rescale function is employed for downsampling to account for anti-aliasing.

At this highest level, the image is small enough that exhaustive search can be used with decent runtime. Then as you progress down the image pyramid, we can run the exhaustive search algorithm on just a localized portion of that higher resolution image by using the offsets learned from the previous downsampled level. Note that first we multiply these offsets by the inverse of the downsampling factor (default: 1/0.5 = 2) to account for downsampling.

In this manner, by first searching the downsampled images we can localize the search on higher resolution images, in order to reduce the total number of searches required to still obtain the ideal offset values for the original high-resolution image, when compared to the exhaustive search method.

Consequently, the window size to search at each level was decreased to [-5, 5] for both x and y. Despite the reduced window size, because of the image pyramid, the offsets at higher levels are magnified at lower levels by 2n (where n is the level on the image pyramid), so the total range of offsets searched by the image pyramid search algorithm still exceeds the range in the previous naïve exhaustive search method.

Results for Example Images

All images below used green as reference channel, NCC for similarity metric, 70% crop, and a downsampling factor of 0.5 (for large images).

Blue Channel Offset: (-4, -25)
Red Channel Offset: (-8, 33)

Blue Channel Offset: (-24, -48)
Red Channel Offset: (17, 57)

Blue Channel Offset: (-17, -58)
Red Channel Offset: (-2, 64)

Blue Channel Offset: (-17, -39)
Red Channel Offset: (5, 49)

Blue Channel Offset: (-8, -52)
Red Channel Offset: (4, 60)

Blue Channel Offset: (-9, -80)
Red Channel Offset: (4, 96)

Blue Channel Offset: (-27, -50)
Red Channel Offset: (10, 58)

Blue Channel Offset: (-28, -77)
Red Channel Offset: (8, 97)

Blue Channel Offset: (-13, -49)
Red Channel Offset: (-1, 59)

Blue Channel Offset: (-5, -41)
Red Channel Offset: (27, 44)

Blue Channel Offset: (1, -52)
Red Channel Offset: (-11, 52)

Blue Channel Offset: (-3, -3)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 4)

Blue Channel Offset: (-2, -5)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 7)

Blue Channel Offset: (-2, 3)
Red Channel Offset: (1, 6)

Results for Some Additional Images from Prokudin-Gorskii's Photo Collection

All images below used green as reference channel, NCC for similarity metric, 70% crop, and a downsampling factor of 0.5.

Church Entrance

Blue Channel Offset: (-20, -64)
Red Channel Offset: (10, 72)

Cathedral Red

Blue Channel Offset: (-21, 100)
Red Channel Offset: (19, 41)

Cathedral White

Blue Channel Offset: (-27, -56)
Red Channel Offset: (4, 68)

Floodgate Supervisor - colorshifts in water

Blue Channel Offset: (22, -48)
Red Channel Offset: (-32, 56)

Man in Red Clothes - bad white balance

Blue Channel Offset: (-19, -67)
Red Channel Offset: (17, 76)

Cotton Mill

Blue Channel Offset: (-28, -61)
Red Channel Offset: (15, 71)


Blue Channel Offset: (-17, -34)
Red Channel Offset: (9, 48)

Firemen Squad

Blue Channel Offset: (-34, -3)
Red Channel Offset: (31, 28)

Pink Flowers

Blue Channel Offset: (6, -48)
Red Channel Offset: (-18, 47)


Blue Channel Offset: (3, -55)
Red Channel Offset: (2, 69)

Ocean Sunset - looks like a polaroid

Blue Channel Offset: (-12, -52)
Red Channel Offset: (32, 53)


Blue Channel Offset: (-15, -63)
Red Channel Offset: (18, 77)