Fun with Filters and Frequencies

Sharpening, blurring, and blending images

Gautam Mittal

An example result produced by the multi-resolution blending algorithm. The "oraple" (right) is created by fusing the Laplacian stacks of an apple (left) and an orange (middle) using the Gaussian stack of a step mask.


Part 1.1: Finite Difference Operator

Shown below are the partial derivatives, the gradient magnitude, and binarized gradient magnitude images of a cameraman. To compute and visualize the gradient magnitude, we can use the L2 norm of the gradient vector: $$ \sqrt{(\frac{df}{dx})^2 + (\frac{df}{dy})^2} $$

Image features: partial dx (top left), partial dy (bottom left), grad norm (top right), and binarized grad norm (bottom right) with threshold 0.15.

Part 1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG)

After convolving the original image with a 10 x 10 Gaussian filter with standard deviation 3, the binarized grad norm has much smoother results as opposed to the noisy results shown in the previous section. This is due to the Gaussian filter removing the high frequency image features that contribute to this noise.

Image features after blurring: partial dx (top left), partial dy (bottom left), grad norm (top right), and binarized grad norm (bottom right) with threshold 0.04.

Convolving the Gaussian features with the finite difference operator for D_x and D_y first and then convolving the raw (unblurred) cameraman image with those DoG filters yields the same effect.

Gaussian filter convolved with D_x finite difference operator (right) and D_y (left).
Image features after DoG: partial dx (top left), partial dy (bottom left), grad norm (top right), and binarized grad norm (bottom right) with threshold 0.04.


Part 2.1: Image Sharpening

Using the unsharp masking technique, we can produce "sharper" images by amplifying the high frequency signals in the image features. This is accomplished with a 21 x 21 Gaussian filter with standard deviation 7 (for all images shown below), blurring the initial image, subtracting the blurred from the initial, and then adding the difference multiplied by an alpha coefficient back to the original image. This can also be understood as convolve(f, (1 + alpha) * unit_impulse - alpha * gaussian). We also clip pixel intensities to a [0, 1] range to prevent numerical overflow/underflow issues when rendering.

Taj Mahal. Left to right: original image, blurred, high frequency signals, original + high frequency signals (alpha = 1). Image credit: CS194-26.
Professor John DeNero. Left to right: original image, blurred, high frequency signals, original + high frequency signals (alpha = 1). Image credit: Berkeley EECS
Hearst Ave. Left to right: original image, blurred, high frequency signals, original + high frequency signals (alpha = 1). Image credit: Google Streetview

This effect does not work when attempting to recover sharper features from an already blurred image, like in the example below. This is because the Gaussian filter loses information and the high frequency features present in the blurred copy below are not enough to recover the high frequency features in the original (sharper) image.

An interesting man. Left to right: blurry image, blurred version of blurry image, high frequency signals in blurry image, blurry + high frequency signals (alpha = 1), original (non-blurry) image. Image credit: Google Images

Part 2.2: Hybrid Images

To produce hybrid versions of two images such that one image is visible from a distance and the other image is visible close to the viewer, we blend together images by averaging a low pass filtered image (Gaussian blur) and a high pass filtered image (Gaussian blur subtracted from the original image). This gives the perceptual effect of there being multiple images at various distances due to the Campbell-Robson contrast sensitivity curve.

Dermeg. Left to right: 2 input images (Derek, Nutmeg), low pass Derek (filter size = 50 x 50, stddev = 16), high pass Nutmeg (filter size = 160 x 160, stddev = 160/3), Dermeg (hybrid image). Image credit: CS 194-26.
Steve Jobs. Left to right: 2 input images (young Steve Jobs, old Steve Jobs), low pass young Steve (filter size = 10 x 10, stddev = 10/3), high pass old Steve (filter size = 30 x 30, stddev = 10), Steve Jobs (hybrid image). Image credit: MacRumors
Steve Jobs Fourier features. Left to right: 2 input images (young Steve Jobs, old Steve Jobs), low pass young Steve (filter size = 10 x 10, stddev = 10/3), high pass old Steve (filter size = 30 x 30, stddev = 10), Steve Jobs (hybrid image).
Elondoge (failure). Left to right: 2 input images (Elon Musk, Shiba Inu), low pass Elon (filter size = 10 x 10, stddev = 3), high pass doge (filter size = 30 x 30, stddev = 10), Elondoge (hybrid image). In this instance, neither Elon Musk nor the Shiba Inu are clearly visible at any distance, and the perceptual effect seen in previous hybrid examples breaks down. Image credit: Google Images

Part 2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

To allow for multiresolution blending, we implement Gaussian and Laplacian stacks. The Gaussian stack is implemented by convolving an input image with Gaussian filters of several different standard deviations down the stack. The Laplacian stack is implemented by subtracting intermediate layers of the Gaussian stack, with the final layer of the Laplacian stack being equal to the final layer of the corresponding Gaussian stack. In all experiments, 5-layer deep stacks are used. RGB images are convolved with Gaussian filters by convolving the Gaussian filter along each color dimension and then concatenating the blurred outputs channel-wise to produce the final blurred RGB image.

Below we can see the Laplacian stacks for an apple and orange, with each layer in the stack blended with a mask. The mask is used is a step function with the left half set to 1 and the right half set to 0. A Gaussian stack for the mask is generated and each layer in the Gaussian stack of the mask is used to blend the Laplacian stacks at the corresponding level to produce the final Laplacian stack. The final Laplacian stack is used to generate the final blended image by summing all levels in the stack into a single image.

Oraple stacks. Left to right: apple, orange, oraple Laplacian stacks. Top to bottom: layers 0, 2, 4 in the Laplacian stack for each image. The bottom row contains the aggregated outputs.

Part 2.4: Multiresolution Blending

Using the Gaussian and Laplacian stack implementations shown above, we produce results for two more images: another vertical spline image with a sunset and daytime landscape and an irregular mask blending an eye into a human hand. These results use the same technique of generating and summing a blended Laplacian stack as used to generate the oraple above.

Landscape stacks. Left to right: sunset, daytime, combined Laplacian stacks. Top to bottom: layers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in the Laplacian stack for each image. The bottom row contains the aggregated outputs. Image credit: Night2Day dataset

Creepy stacks. Left to right: eye, hand, combined Laplacian stacks. Top to bottom: layers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 in the Laplacian stack for each image. The bottom row contains the aggregated outputs. Image credit: Google Images


Takeaway: Gradients, Gaussians, and Laplacians are surprisingly effective tools for manipulating images (e.g. finding edges, blending images, sharpening, etc.) and the latest and greatest set of deep learning tools used for image processing may not necessarily be the most useful tool to pick first when attempting to extract some of the results shown above — frequencies are all you need! Additionally, I learned that perceptual quality is not necessarily correlated with the effectiveness of an algorithm, but largely due to careful input selection, masking, and parameter tuning (especially in the case of the Laplacian/Gaussian filter parameters for the blending and hybridization experiments).