CS194-26 Project 2

Fun with Filters and Frequencies

Sarina Sabouri - September 20th, 2021

Part 1: Fun with Filters

1.1: Finite Difference Operator

As seen below, I converted cameraman image into an edge image using finite difference operators and a gradient magnitude calculation. First, I found the gradient of the image by finding the partial derivatives with respect to the x and y axes. This gradient gave information regarding the locations in the image that had the most rapid change in intensity. In order to detect the edge strength, I calculated the magnitude of this gradient. Finally, in order to suppress noise while still showing the edges, I binarized the gradient magnitude to obtain the final image edges.

Original cameraman image
Partial x derivative
Partial y derivative
Gradient magnitude
Binarized gradient magnitude

1.2: Derivative of a Gaussian (DoG) Filter

To improve my edge image, I tried the approach of first blurring the cameraman image with a Gaussian filter and then finding the binarized gradient magnitude of the blurred image. Here are the results:

Blurred cameraman with Gaussian
Edge image

One of the most noteable differences with the DoG approach is that it was able to considerably reduce the amount of noise in the edge image and was able to only keep the significant edges of the orignal image: the silhouette of the man, the tripod, and the camera. The edges also appear to be much smoother compared to the first approach, in which the edges were jagged and discontiuous.

Next, I found the edges of the cameraman with a single convolution rather than two by creating a derivative of gaussian filter. As shown below, in the edge image and in the difference image, I obtained the same result while using a single convolution rather two.

Edge image single convolution
Edge image two convolutions
Difference image

Part 2: Fun with Frequencies!

2.1: Image "Sharpening"

In order to sharpen an image, the image can be convolved with an unsharp mask filter: this convolution encapsulates the process of obtaining the high frequencies of the image and adding them to the original image. Below are the results of applying the unsharp mask filter to a variety of images:

Blurry Taj Mahal
Sharpened Taj Mahal
Blurry Frog
Sharpened Frog
Blurry Campanile
Sharpened Campanile

Now, I will take a sharp image, blur it and sharpen it again. Here are the results:

Original image
Blurred image
Sharpened blurry image

The re-sharpened image on the very right is not as sharp as the original sharp image. This is since some of our high frequency components are lost after blurring the image, so sharpening the blurry image will not completely restore it to it's original sharp state.

2.2: Hybrid Images

In this part of the project, I created hybrid images by applying a high-pass filter to one image, a low-pass image to another image, and finally averaging them together. This creates an image such that the high-pass filtered image is seen from up-close, and the low-pass filtered image is seen from far away.

Derek-Nutmeg Hybrid

Fourier Analysis of Derek-Nutmeg Hybrid

Derek Fourier Transform
Nutmeg Fourier Transform
Derek LPF Fourier Transform
Nutmeg HPF Fourier Transform
Derek-Nutmeg Hybrid Fourier Transform

Additional Hybrid Images

Next, I created some additional hybrid images. The Bear-Tiger and Fiona-Ty Dolla Hybrids were a success, while the Sarina-Tiger Hybrid was a failure. This was due to the fact that the face shapes were significantly different; I was smiling with my teeth in my image while the tiger was not, leading to big discrepancies between the high and low frequencies and ultimately creating a hybrid that was not cohesive. The other hybrids were successful since the two input images had very similar silhouettes.


Bear-Tiger Hybrid

Fiona Apple-Ty Dolla Sign

Fiona Apple
Ty Dolla Sign
Fiona Apple-Ty Dolla Sign Hybrid

Sarina-Tiger (Failure)

Sarina-Tiger Hybrid

Bells and Whistles: Color hybrid images

I enhanced my hybrid images by creating a color version of them. The approach of using color for both the high and low frequency component images created the best looking hybrid images.

Derek-Nutmeg Color Hybrid
Bear-Tiger Color Hybrid
Fiona-Ty Dolla Color Hybrid

2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

The following images are the Gaussian and Laplacian stacks of the Oraple image.


Oraple Gaussian Stack

Gaussian Stack Level 0
Gaussian Stack Level 1
Gaussian Stack Level 2
Gaussian Stack Level 3
Gaussian Stack Level 4

Oraple Laplacian Stack

Laplacian Stack Level 0
Laplacian Stack Level 1
Laplacian Stack Level 2
Laplacian Stack Level 3
Laplacian Stack Level 4

Now I will visualize the process of creating the oraple blended image. Each row represents the level of this blending process: The left column shows the apple laplacian stack image with the mask applied at each level, the right column shows the orange laplacian stack image with the mask applied at each level, and the right column shows the blended image at each level. The bottom right image shows the final blended oraple.

The following is a recreation of Figure 3.42 in the paper.

Apple level 0
Orange level 0
Blended level 0
Apple level 2
Orange level 2
Blended level 2
Apple level 4
Orange level 4
Blended level 4
Apple level 5
Orange level 5
Blended level 5

2.4: Multiresolution Blending

The following is the result of blending the apple and orange together in black and white.

Oraple Black and White

Black and White Oraple

Bells and Whistles: The following blended images have been enhanced with color.

For this part of the project, I used the laplacian stacks of the two input images and the gaussian stack of the mask to create a blended image. The "Oski on the Moon" and "Eyes on Hands" blended images required me to create an irregular mask, which I made using a drawing tool. To get a color blended image, I found gaussian and laplacian stacks for the red, blue, and green color channels seperately and stacked these channels together to get a color blended image at each level. Here are some of the blended images I created:



Oski on the Moon

Oski on the Moon

Eyes on Hands

Eyes on Hands


Overall, I really enjoyed this project as it allowed me to apply the skills we learned in class regarding filtering and frequency analysis while allowing me to explore my creative side. One of the most important and interesting things I learned from this project was how useful the Gaussian filter is in a variety of different applications, from detecting edges, sharpening images, creating a high-pass filter, and in generating a laplacian stack for image blending.
Another takeaway from this project was the importance in the human eye and an artistic decision in choosing the inputs to create the hybrid and blended images. It was up to me to pick images that would look good in a hybrid image or blended together based on the similarites and cohesiveness of the two. With computer-vision related projects, at the end of the day it is up to the human to evaluate the correctness of an output, not a computer.