Project 2: Fun with Filters and Frequencies!

CS194-26 Fall 2021 | Rio Hayakawa

Part 1: Fun with Filters

1.1: Finite Difference Operator

By convoluting the image below, ‘cameraman.jpg’ with finite difference operators, it showcases the differences between filtering by the x and y directions. The finite difference operator for the x direction is shown by [1,-1] and the y direction is shown by [1, -1]^T.

original ‘cameraman.png’
Partial Deriv in respect to Y Partial Deriv in respect to X

The gradient magnitude of the image represents the edge at a specific pixel and is calculated by doing an element-wise computation of the partial derivatives of x and y directions, given by magnitude = sqrt(d_x^2 + d_y^2). Below is the gradient magnitude of ‘cameraman.png’.

gradient magnitude (gm) gm w binary threshold of 0.28

1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

The image was then blurred using a Gaussian blur of ksize 6 and sigma of 2.

Partial Deriv in respect to Y Partial Deriv in respect to X
gradient magnitude (gm) gm w binary threshold of 0.15

With the blurred image as a base, there are a lot less noisy areas in the image and the lines themselves are a lot more thick and clear to where the edges are. Where the edge lines of the unblurred gm are jagged, the lines of the blurred gm appear more like strokes in vector images.

Below is the gaussian and finite difference convolutions combined together in to a single filter before applying it to the image. Below are images of the derivative of gaussian filters.

dX of gaussian dy of gaussian
gm of single filter it w binay threshold of 0.15

Between the single convolution and not, the single convolution gm is more darker but the binary image of the gm appears to be very close, showing the end result is very similar between the two.

Part 2: Fun with Frequencies!

2.1: Image “Sharpening”

By subtracting a low freq image (created by passing a gaussian filter of kernal size 9 and sigma of 3) from the original image, we
isolate the high frequencies and from there we can add it onto the original to create a more ‘sharpened’ image

‘taj.jpg’ before sharpening ‘taj.jpg’ after sharpening
‘dog.jpg’ before sharpening ‘dog.jpg’ after sharpening

As we can see the sharpened images indeed to appear to be more clear on the edges.

Here we blur the original and call sharpen on it.

‘dog.jpg’ blurred ‘dog.jpg’ blurred and sharpened

We can see its not the as good as the original but it still is better than nothing.

2.2: Hybrid Images

Below is the fourier analysis of the intermediate steps in creating a hybrid image of Prof. Anjoo and what I assume is her kitty.

prof. anjoo fft of anjoo
prof. anjoo’s cat? fft of ket
high-passed kat fft of cet
low-passed prof. anjoo fft of low-pass anjoo
anjat fft of anjat
prof. alexei go bears!
VIN DIESEL yuki-chan the seal
yukin DIESEL

I chose these two images because the head shape and eye silhouette were similar but after hybridizing them, realized that the result is not that convincing. I assume it is because the high frequency features are not the prominent in yuki-chan the seal.

2.3 & 2.4: Multi-resolution Blending and the Oraple journey

The famous oraple!

apple orange oraple
lv 0
lv 2
lv 4
lv 8

More multi-resolution blending examples!

spencer plant mask
home stars mask