Programming Project #2 (proj2)

Fun with Filters and Frequencies!

Name: Daniel Edrisian SID: 3033649753 Email:

All the code for this project is located in from the image aligning, which is in The input images are sorted in /inputs and output images are sorted in /outputs.

Table of contents:

Part 1: Fun with Filters

Part 1.1: Finite Difference Operator

We start by generating edges for the cameraman picture using gradient magnitude computation. The way it works is by first generating the the horizontal derivative of the image, followed by the vertical derivative of the image, and then by taking the square root of the sum of squares of both deritvatives, just like how you compute the pythagorean theorem. This way, the negative values in each derivative image will turn into positives and you will be left with an image where edges are all colored white.

Original Dx Dy
Original Cameraman Dx Dy

Then, we binarize the gradient magnitude in order to remove a lot of the noise within the image:

Gradient magnitude Binarized
Gradient magnitude

Part 1.2: Derivative of Gaussian (DoG) Filter

There's some noise, so lets fix it. First, we try to blur the image before doing what we did in the last part. The results are as follows:

Original Blured
Original Blured
Gradient magnitude Binarized
Edge gradient magnitude Binarized

Then, instead of applying a gaussian blur and then the derivatives as two convolutional operations, we convolve the gaussian by the derivatives so that the whole operation is done in one convolution on the image. As we can see, the results are (almost) the same, so it's better to do the DoG way.

Derivative of gaussian Dx Derivative of gaussian Dy
Derivative of gaussian Dx Derivative of gaussian Dy
Dx result Dy result
Dx result Dy result
Gradient Magnitude Binarized
Gradient magnitude Binarized

Part 2: Fun with Frequencies!

Part 2.1: Image "Sharpening"

We use un-sharp masking in order to sharpen the following images. We do it by taking the high freq of an image and adding it to the image multiplied by a factor.

Sharpen Taj Mahal

Original Sharpened (alpha = 1.5)
Original Sharpened

Sharpen Dog

Original Sharpened (alpha = 1)
Original Sharpened

Blur image, then sharpen

I tried to blur a sharp image, then sharpen it back to see what happens. The result is a grainy image that has smaller blured edges, but still fails to be as sharp as it was before. I even tried an alpha factor of 15 whih is huge, but it still couldn't do much.

Original Blured Sharpened (alpha = 15)
Original Sharpened Sharpened of Blured

Part 2.2: Hybrid Images

In this part, I layer two images on top of each other so that in distance it appears as one, and close up it appears as the other. The images are first aligned so they match each other's geometries. For the first image, the lower frequencies are use and they are grayscaled. For the second image, the higher frequencies are used with their color.

Derek and Nutmeg

Derek Nutmeg
Derek Nutmeg
Derek Aligned Nutmeg Aligned Nutmeg over Derek
Derek Aligned Nutmeg Aligned Nutmeg over Derek

The fourier results of the images are shown below:

Derek FFT Derek Blur (low frequencies) FFT
Derek FFT Derek Blur (low frequencies) FFT
Nutmeg FFT Nutmeg high frequencies FFT Combination Derek + Nutmeg FFTs
Nutmeg FFT Nutmeg high frequencies FFT Combination Derek + Nutmeg FFTs

Airplane and Eagle (Failure)

Because the eagle has a much larger and much darker wing than the plane, it isn't as smooth as the other results. It's obvious that two images are layer on each other. Other than that, the tips look good.

Airplane Eagle
Airplane Eagle
Airplane Aligned Eagle Aligned Eagle over Airplane
Airplane Aligned Eagle Aligned Eagle over Airplane

John DeNero and Josh Hug

This is my favorite.

Airplane Eagle
John DeNero Josh Hug
Airplane Aligned Eagle Aligned Eagle over Airplane
John DeNero Aligned Josh Hug Aligned Josh Hug over John DeNero

Multi-resolution Blending and the Oraple journey

Part 2.3: Gaussian and Laplacian Stacks

Here, we try to blend an apple and orange together. We use basic alpha blending where the images start smoothly reducing in alpha in the middle, so that they can be added on top of each other and appear as if they go into each other.

Apple Orange
Apple Orange

The following is the stack the closely resembles the figure in the original paper. Rows 1, 2, and 3 show the 0th, 2nd, and 4th laplacians of the apple, orange, and the apple-orange blend. The last row is just the original images alpha blended.

Level Apple Orange Apple and Orange
0th Laplacian
2nd Laplacian
4th Laplacian

Part 2.4: Multiresolution Blending (a.k.a. the oraple!)

To improve on the blending, we settle on a better algorithm that combines each level of the laplacians in the stacks and adds it on top of the lowest gaussian blur. This results in smooth blends between images that appear real. The algorithm is taken from the original paper.

The Oraple

Apple Orange
Apple Orange
Level Apple Gaussian Apple Laplacian Orange Gaussian Orange Laplacian
Level Laplacian Blend Mask
Apple Orange Combined
Apple Orange

Sun in a Sunflower

Sun Sunflower Combined
Sun Sunflower Sun in sunflower

Brain in a walnut (favorite)

Brain Walnut
Brain Walnut
Level Brain Gaussian Brain Laplacian Walnut Gaussian Walnut Laplacian
Level Laplacian Blend Mask
Apple Orange Combined
Brain Walnut Brain in walnut


This was a wild project. It really makes you appreciate how many layers there are to a single image and just what you can do with super basic filters--not even transformations. Overall I would highly recommend it to anyone.