Project 3: Face Morphing

By Adam Chang

Part 1: Facial Keypoints and Triangulation

In the first part of the project, we write some of the functionality underlying all the other parts of the project. We begin by writing an interface to manually select keypoint correspondences between two different faces in two different images. This is implemented using [matplotlib.pyplot] to visualize the images and [ginput] to grab pixel coordinates based on where the user clicks. After obtaining these keypoints correspondences between two separate images, we perform triangulation on a set of a keypoints, creating triangles that evenly divide the keypoints in the image into a triangle mesh of adjacent keypoints. This is implemented using [scipy.spatial]'s [Delaunay] algorithm implementation. Below are visualized the manually annotated keypoint correspondences between my face and my friend's face, as well as a triangulation upon the midway face computed in the next part.

Keypoint Correspondences
Triangulation on Midway Face between my friend and I

Part 2: Midway Face (Morph)

In the second part of the project, we perform the morph operation described in class. This involves the following operations:

  1. Find the keypoint positions of the average face. This simply involves taking the average between each keypoint correspondence in the starting images.
  2. Compute a triangulation over the keypoint positions on the average face.
  3. Use the inverse affine warp algorithm described in class to calculate the transform matrix from a point on the average image in any triangle to its corresponding point one of the starting images in the same triangle.
  4. For every point on the average image, calculate the point on each contributing starting image using the inverse warp corresponding to the triangle that the point belongs to. Use interpolation to find the pixel intensity in each of the R, G, and B channels in the contributing image. Add that value to the average image multiplied by some factor (dissolve factor = 0.5 for the midway image).
Below are visualized the results of performing face averaging. On the left is my face, in the middle is my friend's face, and on the right is our faces morphed to the average.

My face
My friend's face
The midway face

Part 3: Morph GIF Visualized!

In the next part of the project, we visualize a morph between two faces. In order to do this, we perform morphing of different amounts between two images. We perform morphing at regular intervals, then display them in increasing order for 1 frame. If we create 60 intermediate images with equal morphing distance, we can generate a 2 second GIF that smoothly transitions two faces.

Morphing GIF

Part 4: Finding the Average Face of a Population

We can apply the techniques used in the morphing part of the project to calculate the average face of an entire population dataset. We can find the average keypoint locations by averaging over all the corresponding keypoint in every face. We can then morph every face to this average structure, and contribute 1/N to the pixel intensities (where N is the size of our dataset). We visualize several results below using the Danes dataset. We see that morphing individual faces to the average structure moves facial features around in order to place them in the most average location. It also shrinks and expands certain facial features to match the average size.

Average face of Danes dataset
Image 1 of the dataset morphed to the average shape
Image 5 of the dataset morphed to the average shape
Image 12 of the dataset morphed to the average shape
My face morphed to the average facial structure
Average dane face morphed to my facial structure

Part 5: Caricature by Extrapolating from the Population Mean

One thing we can do once we have established keypoint correspondences between a face and the average face is to caricaturize the face. This means to exaggerate the aspects of the individual which differ from the average. In terms of position, facial features which are in a different position than the average become even further distanced from the average. Facial features which are larger or smaller than the average become even larger or smaller, respectively. In terms of my face, we can see from the caricature that my right eye is smaller than my left eye, this imbalance is exaggerated in the caricature. Additionally, my forehead is smaller than the average, and now it is even more so.

My face caricaturized using the Danes dataset average face

Part 6: Bells and Whistles, Gender Swap

By obtaining different subpopulation averages, we can perform other operations on an individual face. For example, in this part, I morph my face with the average female face. First, we only morph the structure. Next, we only morph the appearance. Finally, we morph both.

My face
The average woman's face (obtained via internet)
My face morphed to the average woman face structure
My face morphed to the average woman appearance
My face morphed to the average woman face, both structure and apperance