194-26 Proj 3: Face Morphing, Carolyn Duan

Carolyn and Eileen midway morph

Halfway between me and my friend Eileen. Here are the original pictures:

I selected 50 points. Here’s what our faces looked like with the mid-way triangularization:

Then I performed an inverse warp, using RectBivariateSpline for interpolation. Here’s the midway photo:

Carolyn and Eileen Animation

Now repeat that 45 times with a different dissolve fraction and warp fraction, and here’s the resulting animated morph. If it doesn't animate, click the link above.

Average face of a population

I used the male faces of the Danes dataset and found the average:

Here are some examples of people warped into the average face:

Here’s me warped to the average geometry, and the average warped to me:

Take my word for it, the only reason these look super wonky is because I got lazy while choosing the 58 points. If you overlay them to their source images respectively you’ll find that it’s a good match : )

Carolyn to Avg Face Caricature

Again, trust me bro, it still looks funky because I was lazy in choosing points (it’s quite tedious no?)

This is with alpha = 1.5 – I am a hyper dane.

Carolyn changes ethnicities

I morphed myself with this stock photo:

Here’s the result:

Pretty cool.