Programming Project #3 - Atsunobu Kotani (

Defining correspondences

I used the following images for the first set of experiments.

Definining the key points:

The Delaunay triangulation is performed to the averaged shape, and we get:

The mid-way face image is shown below:

The Morph Sequence

Extending the above, we morph the images, and the gif is shown below:

The Mean Face of a Population

We used the Danes dataset, and first computed the averaged face shape of the entire population as shown below:

As we can see the bottom half is blurred due to the mismatch in shape keypoints. As for the subset analysis, I generated two images of smiling faces and normal faces:

Again, we still see the blur effects. Then we first align the face (warping), and the resulting images become:

And for the subsets:

Before warping my face into the average geometry, I first generated the keypoint pairs as it follows:

Then, warping my face into the average geometry:

And when I warp the averaged face into my geometry:

Caricatures: Extrapolating From the Mean

First, the mean male face is shown below:

This will be used as the base face shape for the extrapolation. The resulting gif is: