CS 194 Project 3: Image Morphing

This project centered around image morphing. I chose a photo of myself and my sister and used approximately 35 correspondence points, entered manually through ginput, to create this effect. Since the points were selected by hand, some of the morphing is imperfect.

Defining correspondences

The selected points are shown below along with the Delaunay triangulation.

2 Computing the Midway Face

In order of images shown below are me, my sister, and the midway face.

2 The Morph Sequence

The same steps from above were taken but with varying inputs from each face. The final result is shown below.

2 The "Mean Face" of a Population

The average face, taken from a set of 37 images of Danes, is shown below.
Here are 2 examples of individual faces being morphed into the geometry of average face.
Below is also the average face morphed into my face's geometry (left) and my face warped into the average's geometry (right).

Caricatures: Extrapolating from the Mean

Bells & Whistles: Changing Gender

The first two images shown below are the inputs, and the last one is the morph. As you can see, there wasn't a huge change, but the jawline doese appear more square.