CS 194-26 Project3

Charlotte Mei

Part 1: Defining Correspondences

In this part, I used matplotlib's ginput function to determine feature points. Then I calculate the average of the feature points, and use that set of average points to compute Delauny triangle using scipy. I wrote a small helper function that transforms the output of scipy's Delauny function to the real coordinates in image.

the original im1
im1 with triangle meshes
the original im2
im2 with triangle meshes

Part 2: Computing the "Mid-way Face"

In this part, I wrote two functions: computeAffine and morph. ComputeAffine takes in two matrix and outpus the affine transformation matrix from the first input to the second input.

In morph function, I used RectBivariateSpline function to interpolate between the xy coordinates with the three color channels respectively, and the affine transformation matrix calculated to apply the transformation.

Here are the output images:

This is the morph sequence generated from the frames.

Part 3: The "Mean face" of a population

In this part I use the FEI face database. I used the first 95 face images that is NOT smiling for computing the mean face. Here are some example images with triangulations shown. There may be some tears in the graph due to the imperfect match of labelled features.

The computed mean_population_face

image 100a
Face wrapped into the mean population face
image 11a
Face wrapped into the mean population face
image 10a
Face wrapped into the mean population face

My photo
My face wraped into the average geometry
The average face wraped into my face's geometry

Part 5 Caricatures: Extrapolating from the mean

In this part, I used the morph function written in part 3 with some small modifications to fit grayscale calculation, setting the wrap_factor to be either >=0.5 or <=-1.5 to create an effect of extrapolation. The two images below shows the output of using 0.5 and -1.5.

Extrapolated using factor of 0.5
Extrapolated using wrap_factor of -1.5

Part 6: Bells and Whistles

In this part, I used an image of average French female face found online to morph with my image to produce what I might look like if I am a French white female.

The French average female face used
My photo used
Output image with only shape morphed
Output image with color morphed
Morphed face with both shape and color morphed