CS194-26 Project 3: Face Morphing!

Combining me and George Clooney

First, I labeled my face and George Clooney's using the same order and points.

My face

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My face labeled

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George Clooney's face

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George Clooney's face labeled

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After I labeled the points, I found the average of each corresponding point and created a Delaunay triangulation

Mean Delaunay triangulation

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After computing the triangulation, I morphed both faces to the average shape and interpolated to get the mean face between me and George Clooney. Then I calculated the morph sequence from my face to mean then to George Clooney

Mean face

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Face morph

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Average face of the Danes

To find the average face of the Danes, I pulled the labeled points for each of the images and found the average points. I then morphed all the faces to the average points and averaged all the colors to get a face.

Mean Danish face

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Here are some examples of Danes morphed to the average face

Person 1 morphed to average

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Person 4 morphed to average

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Person 29 morphed to average

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Here is my face morphed to the Danish average and vice versa. My face morphed to the Danish average didn't come out too well since the original picture I used was much wider than the Danish average picture.

My face morped to Danish average

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Danish face morped to me

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To create a caricature of myself, I added the difference in shape between my and the Danes to myself and morphed my picture to fit those new points. This exaggerates any differences I have from the mean


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Bells and Whistles

I found an average of Asian woman online and decided to morph myself into it. I first morphed only shape, then appearance, and then both.

Asian woman average

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Me morphed shape only

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Me morphed appearance only

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Me morphed into woman

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