CS 194-26: Image Colorization

Jacob Hanson-Regalado


In this project, we place with face morphing through shape warping and color dissolving.

The Morph Sequence

Here, I morph my face with Joe Biden's. Below are mine and Biden's original picture, along with the midway face and the entire sequence

Mean Face of the Population

In this section we play with morphing to/from the average of a dataset of danish faces
Average Danish Face
My face in the average danish geometry
The Average dan warped into my geometry
Dane 1
Warped into average geometry
Dane 2
Warped into average geometry
Dane r
Warped into average geometry
Dane 4
Warped into average geometry


In this section i extrapolate from the mean dane geometry to create an hyper-danish-jacob using a distortion constant of 1.75
Weird Jacob

Bells and Whistles (Female Jacob)

Here I perform color/shape/full morphs with the female danish population
Average female
Color only morph
Shape only morph
Full morph (color = .5, shape = .5)