CS 194-26: Intro to Computer Vision and Computational Photography, Fall 2021

Project 4A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Priyanka Kargupta, CS194-26-aas


In this project, I first collected my own data such that the photographs contained projective transformations between them (same center of projection but different viewing directions). Afterwards, using these images, I recovered the homographic transformation between the images and used the homography matrix to warp and rectify the images. Finally, using my implementation, I was able to warp images onto a base image and blend them together to create a mosaic.

Recover Homographies

In order to recover the homography between two given images, I first had to use ginput to manually define the 1:1 correspondence points between the images. I specifically chose points on objects that were closer in terms of depth/more prominent in the picture, and had a distinct shape. I made sure to define more than 4 points for images that did not involve a primarily frontal-parallel plane, as our homography matrix has 8 unknowns and 4 points gives us exactly 8 values, leaving us with an unstable homography recovery. Thus, I collected more than 4 points to ensure an overdetermined system that I could solve with least squares. Here is the system that I used to recover the homography:

Here are some examples of the frontal-parallel correspondence points I used:

Correspondence Points based on red rug
Manually selected points based on true
rectangular shape of rug
Correspondence Points based on fireplace edge
Manually selected points based on true
fireplace shape

Warp the Images + Image Rectification

After constructing the homography matrix H using least squares, we can either use forward or inverse warping to rectify the image. In my case, I used inverse warping by defining the coordinates of the output image and passing them into cv2.remap() in order to "look up" where every destination/output pixel maps to in the original image. In order to define the output coordinates, I had to find the bounds of my output image, which I did by using the homography matrix to transform the input image corners into their transformed coordinates and finding the minimum and maximum of their corresponding x and y values.
In order to test both my homography recovery and warping function, I used the above images and their correspondence points to rectify the images. Here are the results:

Original Rug Image
Rectified Rug
Original Fireplace Image
Rectified Fireplace

Blend the Images Into a Mosaic

In this part of the project, I utilized the homography recovery, output image bound calculation, and inverse warping functions to create a mosaic out of a set of images. I set one of the images as my "base image" and warped the other images to it. In order to blend the images together, I created an alpha channel and used weighted averaging. Here are three mosaics using the above methods:

Source Image: Left
Source Image: Right
Left Image (Base) in Output Canvas
Right Image (Warped to Left) in Output Canvas
Applied Alphas
Final Blended Mosaic

Source Image: Left
Source Image: Right
Applied Alphas
Final Blended Mosaic
Source Image: Left
Source Image: Right
Applied Alphas
Final Blended Mosaic

What I learned!

I learned a lot doing this project, from learning how to recover homographies from just a few points to realizing how applicable inverse warping is to so many cool applications!