Image warping and Mosaicing

Raiymbek Akshulakov

We worked before with affine transformations, so let's try to upgrade from affine to homological. Before we had only 6 degrees of freedom, but now we got 8. Our goal for this project would be to turn this images:

into this

Our Goal

Shooting the Pictures

First of all to create this mosaic as above we need a fundamental assumptions for those images taken

All images should be taken from one position in space with different angles

We use this because when you consider Plenoptic function we can project one view to another with homological transformations only when the position of the center is not changed.

Recover homographyies

Over here is how we define the homographies. 8 degrees of freedom, 8 unknown variables. Suppose we have n points from image 1 and corresponding n points from another. That mean the equation has to satisfy the equation above for each point or be very close. If we would write down all the equations from each point, unless we have less or equal than 4 points, we would get a lot more equations than variables. One best way is to form the Least squares problem setting as shown below

Solving the least squares problem would give the best estimation for transformation matrix.

Warping Images - Image Rectification

The image warping is very similar to what we have done in the previous project with interpolation. Using this we can try to get the effect that we rotating our eyes in the image

Initial image || turning right

One good application of it is retrieval of small parts of the image that is hard to get in the initial orientation of the camera but a lot easier to see with other view - like in this images below:

Initial image || rectified


The last part of this project is how to create panorama with several images with different rotation


