CS 194-26 Project 4

name: Andrew Shieh


One day in class, I wasn't really paying attention to the lecture until I heard the magic word "homography." As it turns out, homography is an extremely powerful tool that can enable all sorts of image warps and transformations, such as stitching multiple pictures together. Inspired by the power of homography, my interest in lecture was immediately re-ignited and I found myself overjoyed to work on this project, which is all about using homography to stitch together panoramas from smaller pictures.

Shoot the Pictures

I started by taking some pictures around campus and my apartment. I used my iPhone 12 Pro, which is marketed as having a professional-grade camera but Professor Efros always calls them cheap cameras and I have to say I am inclined to agree with the professor. I tried keeping the focal length, zoom, and vertical position constant, but there were some errors in this due to both human and technical failure.

Then, I airdropped the files to my computer, converted them to jpgs, and resized them to be smaller (1024x768). For example, here are two pictures of my desk.

Recover Homographies

I love homography! To compute the homography matrix H, simply solve a set of linear equations Ah = b for h (a length 8 vector), then reshape h to be a 3x3 matrix H with a 1 in the bottom right position. The linear equations come from a set of point correspondences I manually defined with ginput in a nifty little program I made last project. You need a minimum of 4 correspondences to compute the homography (8 unknowns, and 4 points is 8 variables), although more is better, and the overconstrained problem can be solved with least squares.

Warp the Images

Now that we have the homography matrix H, I can warp my images with it! Unlike last project where I needed to compute a triangulation then warp each triangle, I can just use H and convert all the points at once.

The trickiest part of this was figuring out how to pad the resulting warped imageā€”it's oftentimes a much different size from the original image so I needed to give it a larger canvas. To find the new resulting size, I warped the four corners of the original image (0, 0), (h, 0), (h, w), (0, w) with H to find their resulting positions then used those as a bounding box.

But another issue I had to deal with was making it so that the whole warped image would show on the canvas, instead of only a small portion of it. Remembering a trick from lecture, I created a translation matrix T (3x3 identity matrix with -tx and -ty at positions (0,2) and (1,2)), then matrix multiplied it by H to create a new homography that would both warp and translate the image.

Then I did an interpolation using cv2.remap to get the final warped image. Here's my desk, warped:

Image Rectification

Now that I can warp images, I can also rectify them to view them from certain predefined angles. For example, this is a poster in my housemates' room:

A little hard to read? Not really, but let's pretend it is for the sake of this explanation. Since I know the poster is 24x36 inches (as measured with my measuring tape in real life), I can manually define my own point correspondences (0, 0), (240, 0), (0, 360), (240, 360) (or any other points where the 24x36 ratio is preserved) to warp the image into that perspective. By calculating a new H with the manual point correspondences, I can rectify images and make them somewhat easier to read (e.g. rectifying against the poster and my monitor).

Blend the Images Into a Mosaic

Slight aside: This was the section that made me realize how important it is to use a non-cheap camera from my phone, and why a DSLR is recommended. The issues with focal length, zoom, auto-lighting, etc. caused me to spend way more time on this part than necessary.

Now that I can warp an image to match the points of another, I can stitch together panoramas/mosaics! Simply warp the first image to the points of the second image, then offset them and blend them together. I started first by making a canvas big enough for the whole panorama, calculating the offsets based on the translation matrix I had from creating the warp function. Here's how that looks for my desk:

As for blending, I wanted it to be smoother than just added the two together. Remembering that Gaussian blurs always come in handy when I have issues, I found a scheme to leverage them. First I calculated the overlap between the two pictures, then I found the midpoint of the overlap area and made a simple mask, and lastly applied a Gaussian blur to the mask with a large sigma (~200-250) to create a an alpha masking. In image form (left image is the overlap section, right image is the alpha masking post-Gaussian blur):

And lastly, using weighted averaging via the alpha mask to blend the pictures together yields the completed result:

Observant readers will notice that the blends aren't quite as smooth as they could be: this is due to both issues with my photos where the focal length/zoom/vertical positioning/lighting weren't consistent as well as errors due to having to manually select correspondences. However, the overall results are pretty awesome!

Final Thoughts

I didn't like this project as much as the past ones as I wasted significant amounts of time on issues that were about my pictures rather than my algorithms. However, I thought it was super cool to play with the powerful properties of homography matrices such as how multiplying my translation matrix by the homography matrix yielded another homography matrix.