CS 194-26 Project 4a: IMAGE WARPING and MOSAICING

Donglei Cai

Shoot and digitize pictures

Below are the photos I will use in this project! They are shot using iPhone.

Recover homographies

I wrote a function that can recover the homography between two images and I used the below procedure to derive the homography matrix.

After implementing this function, I double checked with cv2.findHomography for sanity check. Seems like I got it right!

Warp the images

I implemented an image warping function that can be used to rectify images. Below are some samples!

Sticker Rectified Sticker
Kitchen Floor Rectified Kitchen Floor

Blend the images into a mosaic

Now can we blend some images together to produce a mosaic!! I used alpha blending along with Gaussian filters to remove edge artifacts!

Kitchen shot 1 Kitchen shot 2

Kitchen Mosaic

Counter shot 1 Counter shot 2

Kitchen Mosaic

Living Room shot 1 Living Room shot 2 Living Room shot 3

Kitchen Mosaic

Bells and Whistles

Matrix is my favorite movie and I want to put a matrix poster in my hallway.

Boring Hallway Matrix Poster

Hallway with Poster!!

The coolest thing I have learned from this project so far is that I can rectify images to get a frontal view of them using homography. I was amazed during lecture to see people rectifying paintings to get a clearer view of the floor in the painting!