Shooting Photos

When shooting photos for this assignment, it's important that the photos have the same aperture and exposure settings so that the image mosaics blend smoothly. I took all the below images from the same point of view with different view directions using a DSLR camera.

Campanile (left) Campanile (right)
Hearst Mining Circle (left) Hearst Mining Circle (right)
Memorial Glade (left) Memorial Glade (right)

Recovering Homographies

In order to transform points between any of the images, we need to compute a homography matrix.

The homography matrix is defined as the matrix H that allows us to relate a set of corresponding points in the images.

In the equation above, p represents a point in your first image and p' represents a point in the second image scaled by a factor of w.

The bottom right value in the matrix of H is set to 1 as it determines the scaling factor.

To find the homography matrix, we need to solve for all the remaining values in the H matrix. To do so, given we have points from the first image (x, y) and points from the second image (x', y'), we can solve for these unknowns by creating a linear system of equations.

From the above equations, you get the below equations.

Rewriting the equations to isolate x' and y' on the righthand side, you get the below.

Given these, you can represent the H matrix unknowns as a vector and get the below.

Expanding this for n points instead of just one set of corresponding points, you get the below.

This gives a total of 2 * n equations that can be solved to determine the 8 unknowns in the H matrix. Given there are 8 unknowns, the number of correspondence points you choose must be greater than or equal to 4.

It is best to have more than 4 points for the best results. I used around 10-15 for my images. Given more than 4 points, the linear system of equations is overconstrained and can be solved using least-squares.

Once the unknowns are solved, you can reformat the unknowns vector into a 3x3 matrix with 1 in the bottom righthand corner and that is your homography matrix.

Image Warping

After computing the homography matrix, it can be used to warp images to another image's coordinate system. I used inverse warping to be able to determine the colors of the warped image from the original input images.

Given an image to be warped and a homography matrix H, I followed the below steps to create the warped image.

Computation Steps

1) Use the homography matrix H to find the warped coorindates of the image

2) Use cv2.remap() to map the colors of these warped coordinates to the original coordinates of this image in order to colorize the image.

Below are some examples of warped images.

Campanile (right) warped Hearst Mining Circle (right) warped Memorial Glade (right) warped

Image Rectification

With this image warping implementation, you can rectify images. Given an image with some planar surfaces, you can select feature points for this planar surface and warp the image so that the selected plane is frontal-parallel.

I chose squares for my warps, so this meant that the "image 2" in the warp was just the coordinates of a square.

Below are some of the results of rectifying images.

Original Image Rectified using the square herb framed picture
Original Image Rectified using the Adobe sign

Image Blending

To create a mosaic, you need to warp and blend a collection of photos taken with some overlap between each of them. Select one image as the image that will be used as the un-warped image. Then, warp all the other images to this un-warped image's coordinate plane and blend the overlapping regions together so that a panorama can be created.

Computation Steps:

1) Identify an image that will remain unwarped and warp all other images to that image's coordinate plane.

2) Blend the images together in the overlap regions so that the transitions between every pair of images is smooth. This can be done with a mask and alpha blending.

Below are some results of this image warping + image blending.

Original left Original right Right image warped
Original left Original right Right image warped
Original left Original right Right image warped


The coolest thing I learned from this project was how simply warping an image can allow you to see an image from a different perspective as seen in the examples of image rectification.