Rectifying and stitching images
Michael Jayasuriya
Two images of zellerbach stitched together
First let's shoot some images for mosaic-ing and rectify-ing.
Images I shot
A homography relates two images by a projective transformation. Given a correspondence between points on two images, we can find the homography.

Let's start by rectifying the composition book.
Rectified composition book
Now let's stitch together some panoramas. I blended them using alpha feathering, where the left edge of the image had an alpha value of 1 (fully opaque), and the right side of the image had an alpha of 0 where it drops of linearly left to right.
Stitched images
The coolest thing I learned from this was turning the problem into a least squares problem. I didn't know how to do it at first, but seeing the matrices get reworked was cool.