Proj4 A&B: [Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics

Name: Tzu-Chuan Lin

Proj4A: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Part 1

Image Rectification

  1. Image 1


  1. Image 2


Blend the images into a mosaic

These are the pictures I have taken:

  1. I-House's great hall:


Conclusions for Part4A

Q: Whats the most important/coolest thing you have learned from this part?

Proj4B: Feature Matching for Autostitching

Detecting corner features in an image

In my implementation, I just directly tranformed an image into gray scale and then performed the edge detection.

The result of harris corner detection + ANMS(Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression)

NOTE: Red points are the points still there after ANMS.

Extracting a Feature Descriptor for each feature point

The feature descriptors (before normalization):

NOTE: Because my images are with high-resolution, I set the patch size be 64x64 (resized from 128x128 patch) to increase the descriptiveness of each patch.

Matching these feature descriptors between two images

I used SSD (**2)) to measure the similarity between feature two descriptors.

Use a robust method (RANSAC) to compute a homography

In my implementation, I gave RANSAC 1000 iterations.


  1. I-House's great hall:
PartA (manual labeling)PartB (automatic pairing)
  1. I-House's library:
PartA (manual labeling)PartB (automatic pairing)
  1. Lower sproul plaza:
PartA (manual labeling)PartB (automatic pairing)

Bells and Whistles

Detail: I derive the cylindrical mapping by hand and use the pyramid search + SSD to find the best alignment for each (i-1, i) pair in my images.

See: here for the original images.

Sproul Plaza:

NOTE: Markdown does not allow me to display too long image, so you might want to directly click into that to see the full image.

However, you can notice some ghosting inside the image. I think it may be caused by inaccruate focal length or because I used a tripod that cannot be rotated horizontally.

I rotated one image like this:

But I can still get the same result as the image above.

(I do not provide the result here again because it is almost the same)

Conclusion (What have I learned)