CS 194-26 Project 4a

Image Warping

Angela Liu


In this project, I played around with different image morphing techniques involving warping and interpolating colors to combine multiple images.

Shooting Images

Whitsundays 1
Average Triangulation
Whitsundays 2
Meteora 1
Average Triangulation
Meteora 2
Average Triangulation
Santorini 1
Santorini 2
Average Triangulation
Santorini 3

Here are the images I shot during some of my favorite vacations. Each of them shows a scenic view from a slightly different perspective.

Recovering Homographies

Here are the point correspondences that I selected for the input images.
Average Triangulation
Using these points, I calculated the homography matrix. To do so, I set up a system of equations where I created a matrix A and b and solved for the appropriate 8 degrees of freedom. The matrices I created looked like the following where x and y are the points of image 1 and x-hat, y-hat are points in image 2:
matrix A
Average Triangulation
vector b
With these two matrices, I set up the system of equations Ah = b. Since I had a lot more points (> 8) than necessary, the system of equations might not have an exact solution so I used least squares to solve for the best vector h. I then added a final value of 1 and reshaped h to create the final appropriate homography matrix. The following image shows the resulting H matrix which I created using the above two images and correspondence points.
Average Triangulation

Warp the Images

I decided to warp my second image onto the first image. To do so, I multiplied the coordinates of my second image with the inverse of the homograpy matrix and then performed remapping/interpolation of the image to project the appropriate colors onto the new basis. The result was as follows:
Original 1
Average Triangulation
Original 2
Average Triangulation
Image 1 projected onto image 2's correspondence points


For rectification, I chose two images I took at the Getty museum that were not completely front-facing. The original images come at a slight tilt and I selected the edges of the potrait frame and ceiling window respectively and projected both onto a straight rectangular region to make the image appear front-facing. The result was quite nice!
Mean Dane
Original image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Rectified image
Mean Dane
Original image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Rectified image

Blending into an image mosaic

Whitsundays 1
Average Triangulation
Whitsundays 2
Whitsundays blended

Meteora 1
Average Triangulation
Meteora 2
Meteora blended

Average Triangulation
Santorini 1
Santorini 2
Average Triangulation
Santorini 3
Average Triangulation
Santorini 1 & 2 blended
Santorini 2 & 3 blended
Santorini all blended

Here are three blended mosaics that I created. In each case, I projected one of the images onto the other image in order to have a stable point of correspondence to project upon. For the final three-way blend, I also projected each image onto its neighbor iteratively.

What I Learned

I thought this project was super cool because it was very interesting to learn about homographies and image projections as a method of warping. Previously, we had worked with morphing images which used smaller projections of triangles but I thought it was very cool that I could actually use correspondence points to warp an entire image into providing a new perspective just by matrix transformations. I also thought it was really cool that I was able to use a lot of the knowledge that I learned in the last two projects with morphing and transformations and apply them in a new setting where I was able to create cool blended images that stitched together multiple perspectives.

CS 194-26 Project 4b

Automatic Feature Detection


In this project, I learned how to do automatic feature point detection using the following ensemble of methods to identify corner features, filter out good spatially located points, and finally perform matching and feature detection between images.

Harris Points

Image 1
Image 2
Average Triangulation
Image 1 Top 95% points
Average Triangulation
Image 2 Top 95% points
Average Triangulation
Image 1 Top 500 points
Average Triangulation
Image 2 Top 500 points

In the above images, I used the default harris function provided in the starter code. I noticed that the provided peak_local_max function already handles finding the best point in a 3x3 region; however when graphing all of the identified harris points, the image I took had a pretty high original resolution so the entire picture was quite literally covered in harris points and you could barely see the image. Therefore, for the remainder of the project, I filtered out only the top 5% of points that had the highest h-values and only used those for future calculations. I also showed the top 500 points in h-values as a reference for the next part where I identify the best 500 spatially located points.

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

Average Triangulation
Image 1 ANMS 500 points
Average Triangulation
Image 2 ANMS 500 points
For each image, I implemented ANMS which took in the top 5% of points (from the previous part) and calculated the minimum distance between every point and its closest neighbor that was within 0.8 * h_value (of neighbor). This would mean that the largest h-value point had min distance infinity and every resulting point in sorted order would calculate its distance with preceding points in the sorted list (as long as those points were at least h_value < 0.8 * h_neighbor). Then, among these distances for each point, I selected the top 500 points with the maximum distance to ensure that the most spatially distanced points with highest h-values were selected.

Feature Descriptors

Average Triangulation
Patch 1
Average Triangulation
Patch 2
Average Triangulation
Patch 3
Average Triangulation
Patch 4
Here are some example patches I created for each point selected from ANMS. The patches were the result of extracting a 40x40 region around each point, performing a gaussian filter convolution to blur the image, and then downsampling by every 5 pixel to produce the 8x8 patch.


Average Triangulation
Image 1 matched points
Average Triangulation
Image 2 matched points
Looking at each point's patch, I calculated the squared distance between each patch and every other patch in the other image in order to perform point matching. From these distances, I found the nearest and second-nearest patches to each other and kept only the points whose distance ratio between nearest and 2nd-nearest neighbors were small enough below a threshold. This ensured that only points of relatively strong confidence were kept. We can see from the image that for the most part, a lot of the kept images are really similar between the two images.


Average Triangulation
Image 1 matched points
Average Triangulation
Image 2 matched points
The last part of the feature detection process is RANSAC. I used the 4-point algorithm discussed in class where I continuously sampled 4 random points and calculated the distance between all points using the homography matrix derived from the four chosen points. I kept doing this until there were 10 consecutive iterations where the number of inliers (points that were considered "matching" since their distance was below my threshold) did not increase, which suggested to me that after 10 random tries, we could not get any better. The results are shown above.

Feature Detection Mosaic results

Average Triangulation
Hand-picked (part a)
Average Triangulation
Auto-detected (part b)
Average Triangulation
Hand-picked (part a)
Average Triangulation
Auto-detected (part b)
Average Triangulation
Hand-picked (part a)
Average Triangulation
Auto-detected (part b)
Here are the best results I achieved for creating mosaics using feature detection. On the left column, I am showing the results from part a where I handpicked the points. On the right column are the same exact homography transformation code performed on the automatically detected points using harris, ANMS, matching, and RANSAC. The auto-detection seemed to perform slightly worse than my hand-seleced features because even though the algorithm was able to identify some good matching points, the number of points at the end was a lot lower than the amount of points I used when hand-picking so the resulting homographies were a little less aligned.

What I Learned

In this project, I learned a lot about feature detection and methods to both extract important features and also perform robust matching. The most imteresting thing I learned was probably how to create feature descriptors and perform matching by doing the nearest neighbor trick using Lowe's ratio thresholding. I thought that was a really neat way to identify not just the most similar points for matching but also the best point since we don't solely measure a match with the nearest neighbor but with the point that is most similar to the nearest neighbor and most different from the second-nearest.