Shooting Photos

When shooting photos for this assignment, it's important that the photos have the same aperture and exposure settings so that the image mosaics blend smoothly. I took all the below images from the same point of view with different view directions using a DSLR camera.

Campanile (left) Campanile (right)
Hearst Mining Circle (left) Hearst Mining Circle (right)
Memorial Glade (left) Memorial Glade (right)

Recovering Homographies

In order to transform points between any of the images, we need to compute a homography matrix.

The homography matrix is defined as the matrix H that allows us to relate a set of corresponding points in the images.

In the equation above, p represents a point in your first image and p' represents a point in the second image scaled by a factor of w.

The bottom right value in the matrix of H is set to 1 as it determines the scaling factor.

To find the homography matrix, we need to solve for all the remaining values in the H matrix. To do so, given we have points from the first image (x, y) and points from the second image (x', y'), we can solve for these unknowns by creating a linear system of equations.

From the above equations, you get the below equations.

Rewriting the equations to isolate x' and y' on the righthand side, you get the below.

Given these, you can represent the H matrix unknowns as a vector and get the below.

Expanding this for n points instead of just one set of corresponding points, you get the below.

This gives a total of 2 * n equations that can be solved to determine the 8 unknowns in the H matrix. Given there are 8 unknowns, the number of correspondence points you choose must be greater than or equal to 4.

It is best to have more than 4 points for the best results. I used around 10-15 for my images. Given more than 4 points, the linear system of equations is overconstrained and can be solved using least-squares.

Once the unknowns are solved, you can reformat the unknowns vector into a 3x3 matrix with 1 in the bottom righthand corner and that is your homography matrix.

Image Warping

After computing the homography matrix, it can be used to warp images to another image's coordinate system. I used inverse warping to be able to determine the colors of the warped image from the original input images.

Given an image to be warped and a homography matrix H, I followed the below steps to create the warped image.

Computation Steps

1) Use the homography matrix H to find the warped coorindates of the image

2) Use cv2.remap() to map the colors of these warped coordinates to the original coordinates of this image in order to colorize the image.

Below are some examples of warped images.

Campanile (right) warped Hearst Mining Circle (right) warped Memorial Glade (right) warped

Image Rectification

With this image warping implementation, you can rectify images. Given an image with some planar surfaces, you can select feature points for this planar surface and warp the image so that the selected plane is frontal-parallel.

I chose squares for my warps, so this meant that the "image 2" in the warp was just the coordinates of a square.

Below are some of the results of rectifying images.

Original Image Rectified using the square herb framed picture
Original Image Rectified using the Adobe sign

Image Blending

To create a mosaic, you need to warp and blend a collection of photos taken with some overlap between each of them. Select one image as the image that will be used as the un-warped image. Then, warp all the other images to this un-warped image's coordinate plane and blend the overlapping regions together so that a panorama can be created.

Computation Steps:

1) Identify an image that will remain unwarped and warp all other images to that image's coordinate plane.

2) Blend the images together in the overlap regions so that the transitions between every pair of images is smooth. This can be done with a mask and alpha blending.

Below are some results of this image warping + image blending.

Original left Original right Right image warped
Original left Original right Right image warped
Original left Original right Right image warped

Reflection (Part A)

The coolest thing I learned from this project was how simply warping an image can allow you to see an image from a different perspective as seen in the examples of image rectification.

Project 4 Part B

Feature matching for Autostitching

For part b of this project, I will be automatically stitching together images by implementing automatic feature matching.

Harris Interest Point Detector

Instead of having to manually click on feature points in our images, you can allow the computer to do the work for you. Using Harris' interest point detection algorithm, you can identify harris points (aka corners) in your image. This algorithm is based off the idea that a corner in the image can be identified by looking through a small window and observing the change in intensity. A corner should have significant change in intensity in all directions.

Images and their harris points can be seen below.

Original left Original right
Harris points left Harris points right
Original left Original right
Harris points left Harris points right
Original left Original right
Harris points left Harris points right

For these results, I played around with different parameters for get_harris_corners(). I found that a sigma = 7 worked best for my images for the corner_harris function, so this is what I used for the project.

Adaptive Non-maximal Suppression

Clearly, Harris returns a TON of corner points (thousands per image!). This is a bit too much for our needs. We also want a fixed number of features for every image in order to do feature matching, so we use adaptive non-maximal suppression to get a spatially evenly distributed number of points where the points are maximized by their corner strength in each region. Adaptive non-maximal suppression works by calculating the minimum suppression radius for every point returned by Harris. This minimum suppression radius is found using this equation from the "Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches" paper:

I played around with c_robust values between 0.6 and 1 and found that 0.9 worked best for my images. h(x) represents the corner strength of the point x, while I is all the Harris corner points.

Then, we sort the points by their minimum suppression radius, and take some X number of points with the largest minimum suppression radius to use as our ANMS points. For me, a X value of 500 worked best.

Below are the images with their ANMS points.

ANMS points left (500 points) ANMS points right (500 points)

Feature descriptors

Now that we have our ANMS points, we can start matching up our points between the images in the mosaic. To match points, we will first generate feature descriptors for each of the ANMS points. These feature descriptors are 40x40 patches centered around the ANMS points. These patches are blurred with a gaussian filter and then downsampled to be an 8x8 patch and normalized. These patches are downsampled because the Multi-Image Matching paper suggests doing so to make these patches less sensitive to changes in intesity.

Below are the feature descriptors used for each image. They have been resized from their 8x8 patches back to 40x40 patches to be displayed here, but in the actual feature matching the 8x8 patches are used.

Feature descriptors left Feature descriptors right

Feature matching

Now that we have our feature descriptors, we can match them. To match features, we want to take each of the feature descriptors that we have from the first image and find the feature descriptor in the second image that most closely matches this feature descriptor. We measure the similarility by calculating the 1-NN and 2-NN match in the second image for every feature in one image using a sum of squared differences funciton. Once we get the SSD value between two feature descriptors, we check that this SSD(patch 1, patch2) < threshold. The idea is that the 1-NN, which is the SSD of the closest match (nearest neighbor), should be much better than 2-NN, which is the SSD of the second best match. If the 1-NN is not a much closer match, it's likely that it is not a great match and we don't use it. This threshold concept is based off Lowe's trick. The threshold can be determined by trial and error depending on how many incorrect matches are acceptable in your situation. For me, I used a threshold of 0.2 since these mosaics can be very sensitive to incorrect matches and we don't need an extremely large number of correct matches to create a good mosaic. As seen from the graph below, this avoids picking up a lot of incorrect matches.

Below are the results after feature matching.

Feature matches left Feature matches right


While feature matching does a pretty good job of identifying matching points, there's still some outliers in the images. In the above images, you can still see some points in one image that either do not match to points in the second image because the part of the image does not exist in the other image or are identifying features that are similar in appearance (eg. blue sky) but not in the same location.

To remove these outliers, we apply RANSAC. The steps followed are below.

Computation Steps, repeated N number of times:

1) Pick 4 random pairs of feature matches

2) Find the homography matrix for these 4 random pairs

3) Use this homography matrix and apply it to the 4 points from one image to transform them into the coordinate plane of the other image. Normalize these points.

4) Find the number of inlier points that have SSD(homography * point, corresponding point in other image) < error epsilon.

5) If this number of inlier points is greater than the current maximum number of inlier points, set these points as the maximum set of inlier points.

After N iterations, take the maximum set of inliers and use these to calculate the homography matrix. I chose an N of 4000.

Now, we can use this homography to do the same warping and blending steps we did in part A of the project.

RANSAC points

RANSAC matches left RANSAC matches right

As you can see, the outliers in the sky/other weird places have been filtered out by RANSAC.

Warping these RANSAC images

Comparing auto and manual point selection results

Manually selecting points result Auto selecting points result

Evidently, the automatic image matching does a better job (there is less blur in most images).

Reflection (Part B)

My favorite thing I learned from this project is how we can remove outliers and drastically improve the results with Lowes trick/RANSAC. They might seem like non-crucial parts of the project but both made a huge difference in my results.