CS194-26 Project 4 Part 1

Shooting Picture

For this part, I shot pictures of the campanile, VLSB, and lower Sproul with 2 different perspectives.

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Recovering Homographies

To recover the homography between the photos, I hand selected points from each photo then used this equation to find the homography matrix:

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h33 is set automatically to 1.

Warp the Images

Below is before and after pictures of the campanile rectified to its the right face

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Below is before and after pictures of VLSB rectified to its 2nd window

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Blending Images

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Detecting corner features

For this part, I used the provided harris helper code then removed all the points with a corner strength less than 1.2.

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Afterwards, I used ANMS to prune the points.

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Matching Points

To find matching points, I sampled an 40x40 feature descriptor around each point and downsampled it to a 8x8 pixel space. I normalized the feature descriptor and matched points based on whether there feature descriptors had a SSD error of over 0.675 or not.

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To align the images, I randomly chose 4 points from points that had matches and calculated the homography between them and their matches. I applied the homographies to the points and found the inliers, which were points that were less than 10 pixels away from their matches. I ran this loop 10000 times then chose the biggest set of inliers and used that to make my homography.

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Here are some merged images with the hand selected points first and automatic points second

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