[Auto]Stitching Photo Mosaics

Roth Yin | rothyin@berkeley.edu

Part 1: Image Warping and Mosaicing

Shoot the Pictures

Recover Homographies

Homography transformation:

shown as example of 4 points

Use cpselect in Control Point Selection tool from MATLAB to define corresponding keypoints of the two images.

The above matrices are from Homography Estimation by Yalda Zadeh.

Warp the Images

Warp the right image to match the left image.

Image Rectification

original warped to left warped to right

Blend the Images into a Mosaic

original mosaic

Part 2: Feature Matching for Autostitching

Harris Interest Point Detector

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression

Choose interest points from the corners found from the Harris detector only when they are not too close to each other. Prioritize the points with higher corner strength.

Feature Descriptor Extraction

For each interest point, subsample a 8*8 patch from the 40*40 patch around it and normalize it.

Feature Matching

Use Lowe's method:

The Lowe's are in orange.

Robust Homography Estimate

Use 4-Point RANSAC:

The RANSAC are in green.

The photos are not well taken because the features concentrate on one side, so with small epsilons there are no points counting for the other side of the image, and the mosaic result is not ideal. Improve with larger epsilon.

With large epsilon = 1000:

Mosaic result:

manual stitching auto stitching


The photos are not well taken because the features concentrate on one side, so during the process it is hard to give both sides with equal attention. Though it is reminded to take photos with rich features, I did not fully understand that the features should expand the whole space.