CS 194-26 Final Project

Part 1: Lightfield Camera

Angela Liu


In this project, I played with different focus depths and apertures to focus on different areas of an image. Given a list/directory of many images taken at different camera locations with different image centers, I calculated the appropriate shift of each image such that aligning them at a factor would focus on different depths of the resulting image. This was achieved by using the image centers to calculate the appropiate shift, multiplying by an alpha term to determine depth focus location, and then averaging the resulting shifted images.

Depth Refocusing

For this part, I implemented depth refocusing using the method discussed in the paper. I noticed that every image contained the coordinate of the camera's center location so I first averaged all of these points to determine the true center of all the images. I then calculated the shift between every image and the calculated center average point. To do different depths of focus, I multiplied this shift by a factor alpha of varying values from 0 to -0.5 and then shifted all images by the calculated alpha * row shift and alpha * col shift.

Alpha = 0
Average Triangulation
Alpha = -0.1
Alpha = -0.2
Average Triangulation
Alpha = -0.3
Average Triangulation
Alpha = -0.4
Alpha = -0.5


Note: I performed shifting by making a very large grid and then placing the resulting averaged shifted images at the appropriate offset. I then cropped out the excess to only take the original centered image region. In this process, the shifted images cause a dark border to appear which gets larger for greater shift amounts (higher alpha). This is completely normal -- I probably should have just cropped a bit extra to account for the largest shift but I didn't find that necessary for the exercise.


In this part, I played with different focus aperture sizes by changing the amount of images I used when averaging. The following results show the different focus aperture regions for various values of n where n represents the n closest images (images with the smallest shift) from the center. All of the following results used an alpha value of -0.3 which focuses on the center pawn of the image and you can notice the increasing blur especially in the corner chess pieces as the value of n increases.

n = 6
Average Triangulation
n = 56
n = 106
Average Triangulation
n = 156
Average Triangulation
n = 206
n = 256 (all)


What I Learned

In this project, I learned a lot about how cameras work in terms of focusing on different regions of an image. I thought it was really cool that implementing something like focus could be done simply by calculating image centers and applying an associated shift to blur/focus different areas of the image. It was also interesting to learn that the focus size can be adjusted simply by the number of images used in the averaging calculation.

CS 194-26 Final Project

Part 2: Gradient Domain Fusion

Angela Liu


In this project, I learned how to blend images using a least squares gradient fusion method. This method integrates a source image into a target image by ensuring a least squares difference in the source and target image pixels which propogates target image values inward toward the source image and creates a more realistic integrated look.

Toy Problem

For this part, I implemented the least squares equations to solve the toy problem which resulted in the same output result. The original and output images are shown as follows:
Average Triangulation

Implementation methodology:
For this part, I implemented the equations provided in the spec. I started by iterating through every pixel in the image. For each pixel, I created two equations and assigned the appropriate values into the A and b matrices. That is, for each v(x+1, y) - v(x,y) - (s(x+1, y) - s(x,y)) equation, I added a row in my A and b matrices which contained a 1 and -1 at the column index corresponding to the index of the variables v(x+1, y) and v(x,y) respectively and then added a row to the b array equal to s(x+1, y) - s(x,y). I then stored a map containing all the mappings in both directions from the variable v(x,y) to its assigned index in the column of A. Finally, I added one final row which just contained a 1 in the first column (corresponding to v(0, 0)) and s(0,0) in the b array for the uniqueness guarantee of the same color shade. I stored A as a scipy sparse matrix by only keeping a list of values (1's and -1's) and corresponding lists for the row and column indexes corresponding to each of these values.

Poisson Blending

For this part, I implemented poisson blending where I blended each source image onto the target image. Here are some results of various blendings.
Mean Dane
Original penguin
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Blended image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Original Skiers
Mean Dane
Original dog
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Blended image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Original Cow (on Mission Peak!)
Here are also some examples of unsuccessful images. Taking inspiration from the dog swimming image in the spec, I wanted to see if I could also place my animals on water and make it appear as if they were swimming. The results didn't work well since neither of the source images were underwater so the lighting and general blended edges did not match the water. The result is that a lot of the water shading ended up being blended through the entire image and the penguin looked like it was underwater and the dog looked like a ghost dog (or a dog shaped splash?)
Mean Dane
Original penguin
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Blended image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Original pool
Mean Dane
Original dog
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Blended image
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Original pool (from the Getty Mansion!)

Implementation methodology:
My implementation for this part was very similar to the previous part but with some slight additions. To start off, I implemented my own masking code by creating a select points method that allows the user to select a series of points and then using the ImageDraw polygon function to create a polygon mask. I then prompted the user for a point in the target image which would serve as the top-left corner of the blending region. The actual creation of the A and b matrices was very similar to the previous part, except instead of iterating over the entire image, I iterated over only the masked region. I again created a mapping of variables to column indices of A and created a sparse matrix by recording the value coefficients (1 or -1) and the row and column indices for each point. The b matrix was formed by subtracting the adjacent pixels of the source matrix. I did this over all three color channels separately and then one-by-one replaced the masked region on the original image with the new calculated values after my least squares for each color channel.

Bells & Whistles

For the bells & whistles, I implemented mixed gradients which used the larger pixel value difference between source vs target image as the b value in the b matrix rather than always using the source difference. I found that this improved the image in some cases but not in others. Here are the results on my two well-performing images of the previous part.
Mean Dane
Normal gradient fusion
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Mixed gradient fusion
Mean Dane
Normal gradient fusion
My face morphed onto mean Dane
Mixed gradient fusion

From the results, we can see that the penguin image performed much better as the background region around the penguin where I cut out the mask is a lot more integrated in the mixed gradients case. This is likely because the mixed gradient successfully identified that the prominent feature in the cutout borders should be the target background so more of the target background was incorporated there. For the dog image, due to image sizing and resolution issues, the target image ended up having a lot higher resolution which resulted in greater pixel-neighbor differences so using the mixed gradient actually made the dog seem a bit translucent since it was sometimes using the target background for regions in the middle of the dog where the background had a lot more gradient movement than the dog's fur in the foreground.

What I Learned

In this project, I learned a very cool method of blending images that was different from the Laplacian pyramid method which I thought was cool since this one better integrated an image by enforcing a least squares difference along the border of both images rather than just creating a smooth gradient blend. It was really interesting to see how linear algebra equations could be applied to make really interesting and natural looking blended results!