CS194-26 Project 1: Images of the Russian Empire


The goal of this project was to align three seperate images that represent the B, G, and R channels of a single color image. Since these images were taken seperately before the invention of color photography, they are given as three seperate areas on a single sheet of film, as shown below.

raw image


In order to find the best method of aligning the three image channels, I tried various correlation functions and methods of searching the solution space.

Correlation / Error Functions:

Search Algorithm:

The difference between the error functions that I tested turned out to be quite minor, while the search algorithms showed a huge difference. The problem is nearly intractable using the local/naive search method, while constructing an image pyramid allows the search to be effectively exhaustive while taking a fraction of the time (less than 30 seconds for each image). In terms of how well the images align, it seems that NCC is a better error metric to use, as SSD exhibits some minor misalignments in a few of the images I tested.

A major improvement to the algorithm comes from recognizing that the edges of the channel images are quite noisy, so I modified the error functions to crop the shifted images before computing the error. This allows all but one test image to align well with the following simple algorithm:

  1. Load the image and crop it evenly into the three channels.
  2. Construct an image pyramid for all three channels.
  3. Run a pyramid search using the NCC error function between the b and g channels, cropping the edges of each image. Do the same for b and r.
  4. Combine the three images into a single color image.

The results for this on the sample images are:

cathedral aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (5, 2), r = (12, 3)

emir aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (49, 24), r = (269, -210)

harvesters aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (60, 17), r = (124, 13)

icon aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (41, 17), r = (89, 23)

lady aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (55, 8), r = (117, 11)

melons aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (82, 11), r = (178, 13)

monastery aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (-3, 2), r = (3, 2)

onion church aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (51, 27), r = (108, 36)

self portrait aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (79, 29), r = (176, 37)

three generations aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (53, 14), r = (112, 11)

tobolsk aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (3, 3), r = (6, 3)

train aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (43, 6), r = (87, 32)

village aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (65, 12), r = (138, 22)

workshop aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (53, 0), r = (105, -12)

As shown above, the only example image that is not aligned properly with this method is emir.tif, most likely due to the colorful nature of the Emir's clothing.

Bell / Whistle

In order to fix Emir, I tried using an edge filter based on the Prewitt operator, which aligns the image based on the edges. This produces:

emir aligned with ssd and edge filter

Offsets: b = (0, 0), g = (49, 24), r = (107, 40)

This method works very well on Emir without causing any issues in the other example images.

More Test Images

For the test images, I chose a few random ones from the Prokudin-Gorskii collection:

roses aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0) g = (31, 20) r = (82, 35)

prison aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0) g = (25, -13) r = (71, -21)

pattern aligned with ncc

Offsets: b = (0, 0) g = (79, -12) r = (165, -34)