The Prokudin-Gorskii Photo Collection in Color

Tianhui (Lily) Yang CS194 Spring 2020

To see all images press buttons at the end of the page!


Adapted from project description and wikipedia

In the early 1900s in the Russian Empire, Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) had a revelation about photography: What if color could also be captured? Though the method of creating colored photographs first originated in the 1860s, it never amounted to anything due to limited technology. Entranced by the idea and gaining the favor of the Tsar, Prokudin-Gorskii toured across Russia with his camera and photographic glass plates. He used three colored filters (red, green, blue) to create representations of the colored channels. His subject matter was broad, ranging from architecture to nature to country scenes. Likewise, his vision for his project was vast as he hoped to bring the sights of Russia to the children, installing specialized projectors. Though his project never came to fruition, the glass plates he accumulated became his legacy. Acquired by the Library of Congress (LoC), these photographic negatives were recently digitized into their colored forms.

In the following report, I give my take on actualizing Prokudin-Gorskii's vision.


With Prokudin-Gorskii and the LoC already doing much of the work in separating channels and digitizing the collection, the main task for me was to align the channel images. I began with a single-scale approach that exhaustively searched over a window of displacements, finding the (x , y) offsets that optimized an error metric. To decrease processing time for larger images, I then utilized a multi-scale adaptation that modified offsets, starting from a coarse rescale of the input image. Though I encountered some issues during the process, I was able to find resolutions without edge detection.

Single-Scale: Naive Search

Identify significant pixels > Test offsets + Measure similarity > Return optimal offsets > Modify original channels

1. pre-proccessing

Prior to creating an aligment procedure, I developed some intuition by observing the images after separating each 3 panel image into separate color channels. Each channel had large black borders, which stood out as problematic for estimating the similarities. To mitigate the issue, I decided to perform a 15% border crop before the images are put through an alignment procedure. This way, only the significant inner pixels would be compared.

2. similarity metrics

After deciding on which pixels to test, I looked into 2 metrics to measuring how similar each channel is to another. The first was the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) and the second was Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC). SSD presents a minimization problem, where similar images have similar pixel values, which when subtracted and squared would produce low sums. NCC, on the other hand, focuses on the dot products of vectors, with greater similarity corresponding to a higher value. After testing each, SSD was faster when running and produced similar results to NCC, and, thus, was the one I decided to use.

3. search window sizes

The simplest method of alignment on a small scale is exhaustive search, involving looping through combinations of offsets and comparing their corresponding similarity metrics. Testing search window sizes from [10, 10] to [-25, 25], I found that window sizes greater than [-20, 20] were costly in time without much improvement in accuracy. Anything below [-14, 14] was mis-aligned. Thus, I finalized my search window as [-15, 15], as suggested by the project documentation. The results of small-scale search are shown below:

aligned cathedral
contrasted tobolsk
contrasted monastery

Multi-Scale: Image Pyramid

Identify coarsest scale > Find best offset > Update image copy, offsets, search window > Repeat until full size

To allow for large tif file processing, I utilized an image pyramid approach. I limited my coarsest image to around 100px by 100px, which is small enough to allow for significant translations within my predefined [-15, 15] window and also large enough to prevent error from reduced information.

My implementation focuses on scaling the image by a factor of 2 each time until its full size is reached. The main parameter is the scale itself. Each search window and optimal offset calculated naively is multiplied by the inverse of the scale and added between each recursive frame. This way, as the image gets bigger, search is reduced and the offsets are refined. To account for possible error, I multiplied each search window bound by 2 before multiplying the inverse of the scale. The processing time for a large image was around 20-25 seconds (when not showing the image). For jpg files, it was around 0.2-0.3 seconds.

[Bells] Adding Contrast

Some of the photos seemed faded, as values were similar across the image. To subtly up the contrast, I used min-max feature scaling (input - min / max - min) to allow the brightest pixel to be 1 and the darkest pixel to be 0. I also increased the darks by adding 0.15 to the minimum value for aesthetic purposes.


unaligned god_church


aligned god_church


contrasted god_church

Errors Incountered

My procedure worked on all of the images that were assigned and the ones that I chose, except for Emir. As you can see in the panel below, aligned Emir on the left somehow found a twin :(. This was mainly due to the contrast differences between the channels from Emir's coat. The blue channel had high pixel values for his coat, while the red channel had low pixel values. This makes sense since his coat is mostly blue. Since his surroundings were darker, the error metric was better optimized when the coat matched with wall, hence his shift.

To resolve this issue, I adjusted the pixel values by subtracting by a constant (around the average pixel value) and finding the absolute difference. This approach resulted in the better aligned Emir to the right. However, including it failed to align a majority of photos. Only Emir, Village, and Workshop benefited from this extra adjustment.

error emir error emir

I also learned some very important lessons. The first is to always be aware of of the given content. Had I examined all of the original files closesly, I would have been more aware of contrast differences (as in the Emir case) and perhaps incorporated that to my cropping/pre-processing step. And the second is to optimize my approach to be independent of the starting scale, which required more computation.

Overall, this was a really fun project. Check out my entire photo set with the buttons below!

Click on the buttons below to see all images and offsets

OFFSETS G, R | (2, 4), (3,11)

unaligned cathedral
aligned cathedral
contrasted cathedral

OFFSETS G, R | (24, 49), (41, 106)

unaligned emir
aligned emir
contrasted emir

OFFSETS G, R | (16, 59), (14, 124)

contrasted harvesters

OFFSETS G, R | (17, 40), (22, 90)

contrasted icon

OFFSETS G, R | (9, 52), (12, 112)

contrasted lady

OFFSETS G, R | (9, 81), (13, 178)

contrasted melons

OFFSETS G, R | (2, -3), (3, 3)

contrasted monastery

OFFSETS G, R | (26, 51), (37, 108)

contrasted onion_church

OFFSETS G, R | (29, 79), (37, 176)

contrasted self_portrait

OFFSETS G, R | (14, 52), (11, 110)

contrasted three_generations

OFFSETS G, R | (2, 3), (3, 7)

contrasted tobolsk

OFFSETS G, R | (5, 43), (32, 87)

contrasted train

OFFSETS G, R | (12, 65), (23, 137)

contrasted village

OFFSETS G, R | (0, 53), (-12, 104)

contrasted workshop

OFFSETS G, R | (14, 60), (13, 156)

contrasted god_church

OFFSETS G, R | (-19, 26), (-37, 116)

contrasted clothing

OFFSETS G, R | (7, 26), (13, 88)

contrasted gate

OFFSETS G, R | (20, 75), (30, 155)

contrasted peonies

OFFSETS G, R | (-11, 44), (-42, 83)

contrasted carpet

OFFSETS G, R | (15, 54), (18, 125)

contrasted trees