CS194-26: Image Manipulation and Computational Photography

Spring 2020

Project 3: Face Morphing

Kamyar Salahi

Defining Correspondences

60 Points were used to correspond Boris’ and Trump’s faces. These points were then used to create a Delaunay triangulation.

Calculating the Midway Face

The midway face was calculated using both shape and color. Using the delaunay triangulation, affine transformations were

calculated and used to change Boris’ and Trump’s Face to the average and then take an average of the two.

Morph Sequence

A morph sequence was created using a series of weighted averages between the two faces

Mean Face

Using faces and correspondences from a series of Danes, an average face was generated.

Using a photo of me and correspondence points in accordance with hat of the Danes, I created me in the shape

of an average Dane

Similarly, I created an average dane in my face shape


Me as a hyper-Dane using a t value of 0.5. This means that this face is 0.5x more Dane than a Dane with respect to me

English Kamyar

Changing my face into that of an average Englishman

Changing just the color and then changing just the face shape